

Stephane Popinet

Gerris is a tool for generic numerical simulations of flows (CFD), in geometrically complex geometries and including adaptive, multiphase and interfacial flows capabilities.

Screenshot thumbnail
Air flow around RV Tangaroa

Project Members:


  • zhang py

    zhang py - 2014-09-10

    How to set the partial boundary conditions

    I want to set the partial boundary condition. This means one side (right side) of a box has two boundary conditions: one is boundary and the other is boundaryoutflow. I want to solve the problem that there is a hole in the wall, but i don't know how to write the code to make it.
    Another question is that i knew the code : return y>0 ? A:B; but i want to edit a sentence that means if y>0, I will get A without B condition.

  • Richie

    Richie - 2014-11-24

    Hi all,

         I am running a simulation in which an expresssion is a function of the distance from the walls. I have tried many cases but havent succeded. SUppose T = U*y, where y is the distance from the bottom wall in a box. I am using it in a Init{istep = 1} {T = U*y}. But it seems irrelevant.
  • Qiao Wang

    Qiao Wang - 2020-03-06

    Hi guys,

    I am a student and new using gerris and could anyone know how to simulate droplet breakup by gerris?

    I really appreciate anyone could help me , thank you so much.


  • Morhaf Aljber

    Morhaf Aljber - 2021-12-13

    Dear All, I'm using Gerris to simulate a tsunami inundation, the bathymetry file has high resolution, 1 mm. When I run the model I receive a programming error, not like an error message and stopping the code, the calculation continuo but the wave starts to deform.


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