
#1 Having difficulty with installation


I attempted to install the RPMs. Some of the dependencies installed and some did not. I bypassed keys and just used "yum --nogpgcheck localinstall rpm-package".

I also tried to install from source. "Make links" worked without a hitch, but when I went to "make" I ran into a ton of errors. The errors are attached in text doc.

1 Attachments


  • Mike Romberg

    Mike Romberg - 2015-06-11

    The rpms are for fedora 21. I'm guessing you did not try to install them on a fedora 21 system. What distribution and version are you using?

    To build from source, you will need to have all the dependencies referred to in the README. The config/gfe.spec file contains dependencies needed to build/run the code for fedora:

    BuildRequires: python-devel >= 2.7, numpy flex gawk tk-devel plotutils-devel libXext-devel systemd-units gcc gcc-c++ swig libpng-devel SDL-devel readline-devel libtiff-devel netcdf-devel netcdf-cxx-devel xmlrpc-c-devel gtest-devel libxml++-devel gd-devel
    Requires: tkinter python-cherrypy scipy ScientificPython pygrib grib_api tkinter python-tools python-six aspell xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-Type1 netcdf4-python pyproj

    If you are not using fedora, then you will have to translate these package names into whatever your distribution calls them.. Or build them from source.


  • Justin Balbierer

    That is my mistake. I should have mentioned what system I was using. I am actually using CentOS 6.6.

    I currently have AWIPS2 (unidata version) installed, but they do not have GFE configured, so I was looking for an alternative method to install, such as yours.


    Last edit: Justin Balbierer 2015-06-11
  • Mike Romberg

    Mike Romberg - 2015-06-11

    Yea. The rpms will almost certainly not work for you. If there is enough interest, I may setup a centos system and provide rpms for that (if it can be done).

    The only other way is to get it to build on centos from source. This means first building all the dependent packages. I have no idea how easy or hard this would be to do.


    EDIT: Of course you could also setup a fedora 21 system in which case the rpms from here should work just fine.


    Last edit: Mike Romberg 2015-06-11
  • Justin Balbierer

    I may try to install a VM of Fedora 21 and see what I can do. There is at least one other person I know of that is using CentOS, but we are both utilizing AWIPS II, so we are mainly using CentOS since it is free, rather than RH.

    Out of curiosity, are you also utilizing the other AWIPS II tools such as D2D or just GFE?

    Thank you for the quick replies.

  • Mike Romberg

    Mike Romberg - 2015-06-12

    You may want to try a fedora 22 setup. I'm installing that right now and if all goes well I'll put out rpms.

    With this GFE I am trying to keep up with more modern technology such as python3 scripting and http networking (the GFE is really just a web browser and the server is now a web server). AWIPSII is locked into the older software that I'm not interested in.


    • Justin Balbierer

      I am currently ingesting grib data through an LDM data feed. The data is
      converted to HDF5 format for D2D. Would I just need to copy the grib data
      to the /scratch/data directory for use? I was looking to view the GFS, and
      HRRR via the application... if I get it running.

      Also, can the user choose other WFO sites within the application, or are you limited to BOU right now?


      Last edit: Justin Balbierer 2015-06-12
  • Justin Balbierer

    I got it fully installed. I just needed to make sure all the dependencies were installed as you mentioned.

    I also changed permissions and both the ifps and gfe appear to be working. Now I just need to figure out how to change the WFO and import the correct data.


    Last edit: Justin Balbierer 2015-06-13
  • Mike Romberg

    Mike Romberg - 2015-06-13

    Nice. The whole point of rpms (at least to me) is to make installation of all the dependent software easier. I'm glad you got that working.

    You can configure the server to another site as mentioned in the documentation. Of course, I have modified the locations where the software is installed quite a bit. You will want to put custom config files in the /etc/gfe/SITE directory instead of where the documentation mentions (someday I may get around to updating the docs). Everything else should work though.

    As far as data, I've created a new ingest module which will pull GFS, NAM12 and DGEX grib files straight off of NOMADS and then create "classc" AWIPSI netcdf files. These data sets are then useable by the GFE. Look at the readme file for some notes on setting this up.

    I could add more data sets. But I am having difficulty understanding how the data is organized on NOMADS. The documentation is not very clear.

    If the grib files that arrive in LDM are similar to the grib files found on NOMADS then in theory this GFE could use them too. But I'd have to tweak some software a bit first. Since I don't have a LDM setup this may take a while to happen.


  • Mike Romberg

    Mike Romberg - 2015-06-15

    So, it turns out that there was another way to specify dependencies in rpm subpackages (the right way!). The ones I just put out (for fedora 22 and now using python3) should work better.

    Thanks for reporting this

  • Mike Romberg

    Mike Romberg - 2015-06-29
    • status: open --> closed

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