
Gfarm 1.4.1 released

We are pleased to announce the release of Gfarm version 1.4.1. This version is mainly bugfix release. One major update, however, is to support a new metadata schema to reduce data amount in the PostgreSQL server. The update is critical to the operation of the metadata server especially when millions numbers of files are stored on the Gfarm filesystem. When you would like to enable this feature on your existing Gfarm environment, you need to backup the metadata, run config-gfarm again, and restore the metadata as follows.
Metadata dump by "gfhost -M > host.dump" and "gfdump -d > fs.dump"
config-gfarm ....
Metadata restore by "gfhost -R < host.dump" and "gfdump -r < fs.dump"
Note that the old schema in metadata is still supported. You don't have to proceed the above steps at all, if not needed.

31 March, 2007
Gfarm project team
# sorry for the delayed post

Posted by Osamu Tatebe 2007-05-01

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