
#17 Grep Results covers editor in XE

Grep (4)

Ctrl+Alt+R call Grep Results. I press Enter but in Delphi XE grep windows not disappears. Window not have facus so Esc not work


  • borneq

    borneq - 2011-11-07

    Using Delphi XE, GExperts 1.35, Wndows XP

  • Erik Berry

    Erik Berry - 2011-11-07

    I understand that this behavior isn't ideal for everyone, but we have decided to follow the IDE conventions for this type of window. In the new docked IDE (Delphi 2005 and later) floating windows generally float on top of the main IDE window. You'll probably see that the IDE's undocked To Do list, IDE's undocked search results, etc. do the same. Some "workarounds" are to dock the grep results into the main IDE window, move the grep results to another monitor, use the Classic Undocked IDE saved desktop layout, etc.

    If you are desperate enough, you are welcome to try and edit the source to add an option to make it act how you want. While our web site is down, see here for help with our source code:

  • Erik Berry

    Erik Berry - 2011-11-07
    • assigned_to: nobody --> eberry
    • priority: 5 --> 4
  • borneq

    borneq - 2011-11-07

    I use the Classic Undocked IDE, is more better. But isn't possible in Default Layout hide Grep Windows like hiding (^G) Procedure List or at least save focus on this window when press Enter?

  • Erik Berry

    Erik Berry - 2011-11-07

    There is no setting for that right now. It is something that would need to be added/coded specifically for this window.

  • Achim Kalwa

    Achim Kalwa - 2016-05-29

    This issue should be closed. Current GExperts V1.38 has an option "Hide results window when jumping to match".

  • Erik Berry

    Erik Berry - 2016-05-29
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • Group: --> Closed

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