
GETCD console grabber/encoder / News: Recent posts

new cvs-branch getcd-devel

i created a new cvs branch "getcd-devel" for the new c-code getcd. There are two files in this branch for now, server.c and client.c. To use these simply compile each of them using gcc -o exename cname.c, then start the server programm, insert an audio-cd in your /dev/cdrom device and then start client > outfile.mp3.
outfile.mp3 should be the mp3-encoded first track of the cd.
This code is far from beeing complete or a really useful program, but it illustrates where i want getcd to go in the future. It should become a daemon, that acts as frontend to various ripper encoder and can be controlled by a related protocol over sockets. So it should be possible to rip and encode on a remote host, or rip on the remotehost and encode local or vice versa or rip on one remote and encode on another. It should be possible to encode one cdda data stream to various formats with the same ripping session. etc. etc. etc.
Comments and suggestions are very welcome, please feel free to tell me your thoughts.

Posted by Georg Hopp 2004-07-18


Actually I rewrite the shellscripts in C, so the next version and probably the first official release of getcd will be written completely in C. Addiitional I write my own cddb query functions. Again the goal is to keep it simple and encode without any temporary files.
I am thinking about a daemon, that calls the grabber on the host it is installed and can be controlled by the getcd client using TCP/IP- or Unix-Domain-Sockets. The daemon can be configured to use a varity of grabbers and the client the use different encoders (maybe at the same time, so that you can write, for example mp3 and wav at the same grabbing time.)

Posted by Georg Hopp 2004-07-13