
Geppetto Remote Automation System / News: Recent posts

On track to V1.0

Geppetto with its lua puppet is now in production on some of my network machines. After having corrected a last problem with response messages containing control character, it seems it is stable and featured enough to bump to v1.0.

The documentation for client part is also improved : only a repositor for tasks is missing.

With the experience of this 1st deployment, I'm planning now to move to a future v2.0 version where tasks can be grouped and segregated (as example, a Gentoo machine doesn't care about APT commands, and a Debian based one don't need Portage related ones).... read more

Posted by destroyedlolo 2012-03-09

Some news

First of all, even if the developpment is a bit slow, this project is still on way.

1/ Priorities have a bit changed as I'll not focus anymore on my kids school PCs.
Priority are now by importance order :
- LUA puppet (see bellow)
- wake up sleeping machine
- dependencies b/w tasks (i.e. my network binhost has to be updated BEFORE any client update)

and then, when I will have time :
- resources
- group of machine ("next machine of a group")... read more

Posted by destroyedlolo 2012-02-08

New LUA puppet

A PHP puppet already exists for months but I decided to create a well a LUA puppet client.

The main reason is I'm using Geppetto on systems where I run also a webserver obviously with PHP enabled.
So it implies that CLI's PHP is quite large (as used as well for some scripting, so with lot of module). Large PHP means as well noticeable impacts on host machine especially for old configuration.

Lua is expected to be lighter and more flexible in term of loaded modules : it means that whatever the modules used for Geppetto, it will not impact other LUA running on the system.... read more

Posted by destroyedlolo 2012-01-12

v0.5b - Puppet created, ready for real work

Puppet script has been implemented and is fully functionnal in this release. So Geppetto is ready for a real usage.
Some test/examples tasks scripts already included.

Next release will contains important still missing task, as the one allowing a remote update of tasks.

Posted by destroyedlolo 2011-06-02

Promoted to Beta

The Web GUI and tasks' manager is working, and a test puppet client is provided.
So it's now a beta release :)

Posted by destroyedlolo 2011-06-01

v0.1alpha released

In this version, only user management is working (and stable).
/Docs contains
- INSTALL : installation procedure
- BUGS : known problem and TODO list

Tested with Firefox 3.6 / 4.0 and Midori

Posted by destroyedlolo 2011-04-24