
JAI 1.1

  • Marc Durocher

    Marc Durocher - 2001-07-16


    I am trying to use the geotiff package with JAI 1.1.
    Unfortunatly, the  GeoTIFFDescriptor.register() method
    throws an IllegalArgumentException.
    Any hints ?


    • John Jeffreys

      John Jeffreys - 2001-11-07

      Hey, Marc.

      I'm experiencing the same problem. 

      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No descriptor by name "tiff" is registered under mode "rendered".

      Have you ever gotten resolution to your original inquiry?  Perhaps this might be an instance where using an older JAI release may solve our problems?

      Let me know if you can.  Thanks,
      John Jeffreys (J2)

    • Daniel Seix

      Daniel Seix - 2003-01-23

      I hapen to have exactly the same problem with GeoTIFFDescriptor.register(), and I'm also using JAI 1.1.

      In fact Im quite new at this (first time I use JAI), but I've gone through the docs to find out about the so called descriptor "tiff" which is not registered under mode "rendered".

      I found a file "" in "jai_core.jar". I guess that editing that file could do the trick, and that would suit me fine for the moment (as I can't work further by now).

      If there is another way to fix this I'd rather use that one before trying myself.

      You know, any help wellcome.


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