
Where Do I start?

  • José Roberto Teixeira

    Hi all,

    I am very enthusiastic about this project. I find microkernel architecture really interesting, specially the trusted computing base concept. I'd like to learn more about the inner details of kernels, threads, processors, communication to devices, operating systems, etc, but my background is still somewhat far from it: it's about Java, databases, etc. I graduated in mechanical engineering but since my first job, I always worked as a developer and later I specialized in systems analysis. I'm telling this to make it clear about what you may expect me to know. That said, I'm particularly interested in helping the port of Genode to Raspberry PI, which I find (really) the best invention ever to help people learn computing, from children to senior. I'm aware about Tanenbaum books and he has just released the forth edition of Modern Operating Systems. Is this book enough to start? I already know that I will need to learn C and C++, but is there anything else? So, where do I start? Thanks in advance!

  • Christian Helmuth

    Hello José,

    great to hear that you like Genode and what we're doing. But you're right: The basics of operating systems and computer architecture at a whole are needed to really grasp what Genode is. After reading an introductory book like Tanenbaum's I suggest to look for slides sets of advanced operating-system university courses like those from the UNSW guys. These will help to step into the world of small kernels/microkernels, virtualization, and secure OS architectures.

    BTW, I'd like to invite you to the mailing list as this forum is much less frequently used and the most discussion happen on the list or on GitHub.


  • José Roberto Teixeira

    Hi Christian,

    I'll look for the documentation you are mentioning. I've already made some homework in this way, downloading about a dozen of pdf files from Dresden University on mikcokernels and the diploma thesis from Stefan Kalkowski that you recommend at I'll look for those slides sets on UNSW as well, but at least I think I'm in the right direction.

    About the mailing list, I'm going to use it too. I wasn't sure about which to use and decided on using this forum.

    Thank you very much!


    José Roberto

  • Christian Helmuth

    Hi José,

    wish you luck with your study and hope to see you soon on the mailing list.



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