
GenerateData / News: Recent posts


Generate 1.50 is released today.
Mostly new features and a few bug fixes.

If you want any further new features or improvements please let me know at

Posted by Stephen Harding 2011-04-06

GenerateData 1.30

GenerateData 1.30 is released today.

Version 1.30 contains a whole load of new data generation functions, new screen controls and bug fixes.

All feedback is welcome as more releases are planned.

Posted by Stephen Harding 2010-07-17

GenerateData 1.20

GenerateData 1.20 is released today.

Version 1.20 contains a few small bug fixes, a new system preferences file and the ability to change the interface.

All feedback is welcome as more releases are planned.

Posted by Stephen Harding 2010-06-26

GenerateData 1.01

GenerateData 1.01 is released today.

Version 1.01 contains a few small bug fixes and several new data generation and conversion functions.

Posted by Stephen Harding 2010-06-07

GenerateData 1.00

GenerateData 1.00 is released today.
Generate sets of authentic test data, quickly and easily.

Further releases are planned, so any feedback would be welcomed.

Posted by Stephen Harding 2010-06-05