
#11375 New Term Request Cyst


Please add a new term "Cyst". I see there is a term for cyst wall, which would be a part of a cyst. The definition of cyst wall gives a good definition for cyst, but I cannot find a term just for cyst. Am I missing it?


Ontology requests: #11375


  • Paola Roncaglia

    Paola Roncaglia - 2014-12-09

    Hi Anne,

    We have ‘cyst wall’ but not ‘cyst’ in GO because the latter falls outside the scope of GO terms (cellular components in this case - a cyst is not a cell substructure):
    (from the def of ‘cyst wall’) “…A cyst is a resting or dormant stage of a microorganism, usually a bacterium or a protist or rarely an invertebrate animal, that helps the organism to survive in unfavorable environmental conditions. …”

    The Cell Type Ontology (CL), instead, has these terms, for example:

    CL:0000724 heterocyst
    is_a nitrogen fixing cell, is_a prokaryotic cell
    A differentiated cell that functions as a site of nitrogen fixation under aerobic conditions.

    CL:0000722 cystoblast
    is_a germ cell
    (Not defined further)

    If you’d like to suggest a new cyst-type term to belong in the Cell Type Ontology, you may open a ticket in this tracker:

    Chris, would the def of ‘cyst’ as we refer to it in GO above be good enough for a broad CL term? I came across a similar issue with the Giardia project too. Strictly speaking, they could actually do without a ‘cyst’ term, but I think a general term might be useful to more than just Anne. Or is there an appropriate term in another ontology - looking ‘cyst’ up in Ontobee retrieves a few thousand results…


  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-12-09

    I looked around in Ontobee and I found BTO:0000320. I'm not sure of the quality of this ontology. I don't think either of those two CL terms would work for me. What do you think of the BTO ontology?

  • Paola Roncaglia

    Paola Roncaglia - 2014-12-10

    Not very familiar with it, really. Chris?

  • Paola Roncaglia

    Paola Roncaglia - 2014-12-11
    • labels: --> New term request, Other term-related request, Dinoflagellate, cell type
  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2014-12-11

    BTO is not fully open (although it's freely available to academics).

    BTO often mixes together concepts. For example, BTO:0000320 mixes the cyst wall with the cyst. May not matter for your purposes. In general we have good mappings from BTO to other ontologies, so you may be able to mix and matching.

    I think 'microbial cyst' belongs in CL

    We could also have a 'cyst stage' in GO or a microbial staging ontology.

  • Alexander Diehl

    Alexander Diehl - 2014-12-12

    I agree that cyst terms belong in the CL, but need to be distinguished as 'bacterial cyst' or 'protist cyst'. If there is to be a general 'microbial cyst' term, it needs to be defined functionally, since bacterial cysts and protist cysts rely on different structural elements to achieve their function.

    -- Alex

  • Paola Roncaglia

    Paola Roncaglia - 2014-12-17

    Hi all, thanks for your feedback.

    Anne, would you be happy with using BTO:0000320 for your purposes?
    Otherwise, you may have to wait for the CL editors to create one or more new terms for cyst types. I made a ticket for that, here:

    Chris, a GO term for 'cyst stage' would better refer to appropriate CL term(s), e.g. not to create confusion with existing 'encystment' terms (even though those refer to a process more than a stage/phase strictly speaking). If so, I'll set this ticket to pending while waiting for the CL term(s). Otherwise, is there a microbial staging ontology that you could use?



    • Anne

      Anne - 2014-12-17

      Yes, I will either use the BTO term or wait for the CL term.

      On 12/17/2014 10:57 AM, Paola Roncaglia wrote:

      Hi all, thanks for your feedback.

      Anne, would you be happy with using BTO:0000320 for your purposes?
      Otherwise, you may have to wait for the CL editors to create one or
      more new terms for cyst types. I made a ticket for that, here:

      Chris, a GO term for 'cyst stage' would better refer to appropriate CL
      term(s), e.g. not to create confusion with existing 'encystment' terms
      (even though those refer to a process more than a stage/phase strictly
      speaking). If so, I'll set this ticket to pending while waiting for
      the CL term(s). Otherwise, is there a microbial staging ontology that
      you could use?



      [ontology-requests:#11375] New
      Term Request Cyst

      Status: open
      Group: None
      Labels: New term request Other term-related request Dinoflagellate
      cell type
      Created: Thu Dec 04, 2014 03:34 PM UTC by Anne
      Last Updated: Fri Dec 12, 2014 01:12 PM UTC
      Owner: Paola Roncaglia

      Please add a new term "Cyst". I see there is a term for cyst wall,
      which would be a part of a cyst. The definition of cyst wall gives a
      good definition for cyst, but I cannot find a term just for cyst. Am I
      missing it?

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      Anne E. Thessen, Ph.D.
      The Data Detektiv, Owner and Founder
      Ronin Institute, Research Scholar



      Ontology requests: #11375

  • Paola Roncaglia

    Paola Roncaglia - 2015-01-28
    • status: open --> pending
  • Paola Roncaglia

    Paola Roncaglia - 2015-04-27
    • status: pending --> closed-works-for-me
  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2015-04-27
    • status: closed-works-for-me --> open
  • Chris Mungall

    Chris Mungall - 2015-04-27

    GO should have specific classes for the the walls of bacterial and protist cysts, especially if these are non-homologous and composed of different structures. We always get into trouble when we force annotation to a generic grouping class.

    We also need this since cyst walls for taxon X are not fully classified

          is_a GO:0005618 ! cell wall 
           is_a GO:0009274 ! peptidoglycan-based cell wall <-- bacterial cell wall here?
           is_a GO:0009277 ! fungal-type cell wall <-- is this a type of chitin cell wall? like a protozoan cell wall? If so add a composition based grouping
           is_a GO:0009505 ! plant-type cell wall
           is_a GO:0031160 ! spore wall
           is_a GO:0097570 ! cyst wall ***

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