
#10725 new term request for zinc finger protein binding

binding (13)

Zinc-finger protein binding

Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA, RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the number of fingers.

Source: GOC:go_curators

is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126


Ontology requests: #10725


  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2014-03-24

    Hi Michael

    We like to have a mapping to an InterPro domain or family for the protein binding terms as this will ultimately allow us to maintain this part of the hierarchy automatically.

    Could you suggest which interpro domains/families this term would equate to? The union of multiple domains/families would probably be okay.


    • Michael E Rice

      Michael E Rice - 2014-03-24


      The protein I requested the term for is SOX9, UniProt:O73668 which is a member of the High mobility group box domain (IPR009071), HMG-box class DNA-binding proteins, so it is a transcription factor. InterPro lists it's protein family membership as "none predicted" Do you need any further info? Thanks


      Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
      School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
      1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
      PO Box 210090-0090
      Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
      The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
      The University of Arizona
      520 955-2745

      From: Jane Lomax []
      Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 4:06 AM
      To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
      Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] #10725 new term request for zinc finger protein binding

      Hi Michael

      We like to have a mapping to an InterPro domain or family for the protein binding terms as this will ultimately allow us to maintain this part of the hierarchy automatically.

      Could you suggest which interpro domains/families this term would equate to? The union of multiple domains/families would probably be okay.


      [ontology-requests:#10725] new term request for zinc finger protein binding

      Status: open
      Group: None
      Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
      Last Updated: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Zinc-finger protein binding

      Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA, RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the number of fingers.

      Source: GOC:go_curators

      is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

      PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Ontology requests: #10725

  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2014-03-24
    • labels: --> binding
    • assigned_to: Jane Lomax
  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2014-03-25

    What paper are you annotating, Mike?

    • Michael E Rice

      Michael E Rice - 2014-03-25


      The paper is PMID:23382206, I have attached it with my annotations; This is Adobe Acrobat Pro, so in case you can not view it, the particular excerpt is from p 2885:

      Phosphorylation Is Required for Sox9 to Interact with Snail2. Previous
      in vitro co-IP analysis revealed a physical interaction of
      Sox9 and Snail2 proteins (6). To test whether this interaction was
      promoted by phosphorylation and/or SUMOylation of Sox9, we
      performed co-IP of protein extracts from chicken embryos
      coexpressing Snail2 with WT-Sox9, nonphosphorylatable or non-
      SUMOylatable Sox9 mutants. Consistent with previous in vitro
      studies, IP of ectopic WT-Sox9 from embryos extracts showed an
      association with the Snail2 protein (Fig. 4B). A similar association
      was observed between Sox9S64D,S181D and Snail2 (Fig. 2G).
      The interaction was abolished with Sox9S64A,S181A and somewhat
      reduced with Sox9K61R,K254R,K376R (Fig. 4B). These data suggest
      that phosphorylation is required for Sox9 to interact with Snail2.

      I always try to annotate more specifically than "protein binding", so since SNAI2 is a zinc finger protein I thought I could annotate SOX9 as binding to a zinc finger protein. If you could look this over and tell me if I am correct that would be great. Thanks for your help.


      Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
      School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
      1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
      PO Box 210090-0090
      Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
      The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
      The University of Arizona
      520 955-2745

      From: Jane Lomax []
      Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 4:06 AM
      To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
      Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] #10725 new term request for zinc finger protein binding

      What paper are you annotating, Mike?

      [ontology-requests:#10725] new term request for zinc finger protein binding

      Status: open
      Group: None
      Labels: binding
      Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
      Last Updated: Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:06 AM UTC
      Owner: Jane Lomax

      Zinc-finger protein binding

      Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA, RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the number of fingers.

      Source: GOC:go_curators

      is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

      PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Ontology requests: #10725

  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2014-03-25

    Hi Mike

    I see your motivation, but in this case because it's not clear whether or not SOX9 actually interacts with the zinc-finger domain of Snail2, and because Snail2 isn't predicted to be a member of any existing protein family I would not add a new term in this case.

    I would just annotate to 'protein binding' and in the WITH column put the protein id for Snail2.



    • Michael E Rice

      Michael E Rice - 2014-03-25


      Ok thanks, I was thinking the same so I am glad you looked it over.


      Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
      School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
      1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
      PO Box 210090-0090
      Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
      The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
      The University of Arizona
      520 955-2745

      From: Jane Lomax []
      Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:29 AM
      To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
      Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] #10725 new term request for zinc finger protein binding

      Hi Mike

      I see your motivation, but in this case because it's not clear whether or not SOX9 actually interacts with the zinc-finger domain of Snail2, and because Snail2 isn't predicted to be a member of any existing protein family I would not add a new term in this case.

      I would just annotate to 'protein binding' and in the WITH column put the protein id for Snail2.



      [ontology-requests:#10725] new term request for zinc finger protein binding

      Status: open
      Group: None
      Labels: binding
      Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
      Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:06 AM UTC
      Owner: Jane Lomax

      Zinc-finger protein binding

      Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA, RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the number of fingers.

      Source: GOC:go_curators

      is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

      PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Ontology requests: #10725

  • Jane Lomax

    Jane Lomax - 2014-03-25
    • status: open --> closed-rejected
  • Michael E Rice

    Michael E Rice - 2014-03-26


    Could I trouble to ask you about new annotation extension terms? There is no single UniProt accession for interleukin 12, rather the protein is divided into alpha and beta subunits with each having it's own accession. In this paper the 2 subunits from sheep and human are assayed as a single protein. I understand that I could use the with column or in_the_presence_of, but it seems a term such as in_combination_with would be a better fit. The paper is PMID:11023671 figure 4. If you could tell me if this is the correct approach I would be grateful. Thank you for your time.


    Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
    School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
    1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
    PO Box 210090-0090
    Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
    The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
    The University of Arizona
    520 955-2745

    From: Michael E Rice []
    Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:37 PM
    To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
    Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] Re: #10725 new term request for zinc finger protein binding


    Ok thanks, I was thinking the same so I am glad you looked it over.


    Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
    School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
    1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
    PO Box 210090-0090
    Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
    The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
    The University of Arizona
    520 955-2745

    From: Jane Lomax []
    Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:29 AM
    To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
    Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] #10725 new term request for zinc finger protein binding

    Hi Mike

    I see your motivation, but in this case because it's not clear whether or not SOX9 actually interacts with the zinc-finger domain of Snail2, and because Snail2 isn't predicted to be a member of any existing protein family I would not add a new term in this case.

    I would just annotate to 'protein binding' and in the WITH column put the protein id for Snail2.



    [ontology-requests:#10725] new term request for zinc finger protein binding

    Status: open
    Group: None
    Labels: binding
    Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
    Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:06 AM UTC
    Owner: Jane Lomax

    Zinc-finger protein binding

    Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA, RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the number of fingers.

    Source: GOC:go_curators

    is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

    PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

    Sent from because you indicated interest in

    To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

    [ontology-requests:#10725] new term request for zinc finger protein binding

    Status: closed-rejected
    Group: None
    Labels: binding
    Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
    Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
    Owner: Jane Lomax

    Zinc-finger protein binding

    Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA, RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the number of fingers.

    Source: GOC:go_curators

    is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

    PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

    Sent from because you indicated interest in

    To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



    Ontology requests: #10725

    • Jane Lomax

      Jane Lomax - 2014-03-26

      Hi Mike

      Which protein are you wanting to annotate, IL-12 itself?


      On 26/03/2014 02:49, Michael E Rice wrote:


      Could I trouble to ask you about new annotation extension terms? There
      is no single UniProt accession for interleukin 12, rather the protein
      is divided into alpha and beta subunits with each having it's own
      accession. In this paper the 2 subunits from sheep and human are
      assayed as a single protein. I understand that I could use the with
      column or in_the_presence_of, but it seems a term such as
      in_combination_with would be a better fit. The paper is PMID:11023671
      figure 4. If you could tell me if this is the correct approach I would
      be grateful. Thank you for your time.


      Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
      School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
      1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
      PO Box 210090-0090
      Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
      The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
      The University of Arizona
      520 955-2745

      From: Michael E Rice []
      Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:37 PM
      To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
      Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] Re: #10725 new term request
      for zinc finger protein binding


      Ok thanks, I was thinking the same so I am glad you looked it over.


      Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
      School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
      1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
      PO Box 210090-0090
      Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
      The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
      The University of Arizona
      520 955-2745

      From: Jane Lomax []
      Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:29 AM
      To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
      Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] #10725 new term request for
      zinc finger protein binding

      Hi Mike

      I see your motivation, but in this case because it's not clear whether
      or not SOX9 actually interacts with the zinc-finger domain of Snail2,
      and because Snail2 isn't predicted to be a member of any existing
      protein family I would not add a new term in this case.

      I would just annotate to 'protein binding' and in the WITH column put
      the protein id for Snail2.



      new term request for zinc finger protein binding

      Status: open
      Group: None
      Labels: binding
      Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
      Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:06 AM UTC
      Owner: Jane Lomax

      Zinc-finger protein binding

      Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
      containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
      small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
      that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
      RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
      on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
      between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
      number of fingers.

      Source: GOC:go_curators

      is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

      PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      new term request for zinc finger protein binding

      Status: closed-rejected
      Group: None
      Labels: binding
      Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
      Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
      Owner: Jane Lomax

      Zinc-finger protein binding

      Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
      containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
      small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
      that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
      RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
      on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
      between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
      number of fingers.

      Source: GOC:go_curators

      is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

      PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      [ontology-requests:#10725] new
      term request for zinc finger protein binding

      Status: closed-rejected
      Group: None
      Labels: binding
      Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
      Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
      Owner: Jane Lomax

      Zinc-finger protein binding

      Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
      containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
      small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
      that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
      RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
      on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
      between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
      number of fingers.

      Source: GOC:go_curators

      is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

      PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

      Dr Jane Lomax
      Group co-ordinator
      Gene Ontology Group - Samples Phenotypes and Ontologies Team

      European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
      European Molecular Biology Laboratory
      Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
      Cambridge CB10 1SD
      United Kingdom

      P: 01223 492516
      skypename: janelomax
      twitter: @jl242



      Ontology requests: #10725

      • Michael E Rice

        Michael E Rice - 2014-03-26


        Right, IL12 for sheep and human as well as the chimeric sheep/human, human/sheep.

        Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
        School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
        1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
        PO Box 210090-0090
        Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
        The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
        The University of Arizona
        520 955-2745

        From: Jane Lomax []
        Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 7:26 AM
        To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
        Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] Re: #10725 new term request for zinc finger protein binding

        Hi Mike

        Which protein are you wanting to annotate, IL-12 itself?


        On 26/03/2014 02:49, Michael E Rice wrote:


        Could I trouble to ask you about new annotation extension terms? There
        is no single UniProt accession for interleukin 12, rather the protein
        is divided into alpha and beta subunits with each having it's own
        accession. In this paper the 2 subunits from sheep and human are
        assayed as a single protein. I understand that I could use the with
        column or in_the_presence_of, but it seems a term such as
        in_combination_with would be a better fit. The paper is PMID:11023671
        figure 4. If you could tell me if this is the correct approach I would
        be grateful. Thank you for your time.


        Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
        School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
        1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
        PO Box 210090-0090
        Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
        The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
        The University of Arizona
        520 955-2745

        From: Michael E Rice []
        Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:37 PM
        To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
        Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] Re: #10725 new term request
        for zinc finger protein binding


        Ok thanks, I was thinking the same so I am glad you looked it over.


        Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
        School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
        1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
        PO Box 210090-0090
        Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
        The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
        The University of Arizona
        520 955-2745

        From: Jane Lomax []
        Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:29 AM
        To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
        Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] #10725 new term request for
        zinc finger protein binding

        Hi Mike

        I see your motivation, but in this case because it's not clear whether
        or not SOX9 actually interacts with the zinc-finger domain of Snail2,
        and because Snail2 isn't predicted to be a member of any existing
        protein family I would not add a new term in this case.

        I would just annotate to 'protein binding' and in the WITH column put
        the protein id for Snail2.



        new term request for zinc finger protein binding

        Status: open
        Group: None
        Labels: binding
        Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
        Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:06 AM UTC
        Owner: Jane Lomax

        Zinc-finger protein binding

        Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
        containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
        small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
        that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
        RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
        on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
        between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
        number of fingers.

        Source: GOC:go_curators

        is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

        PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

        new term request for zinc finger protein binding

        Status: closed-rejected
        Group: None
        Labels: binding
        Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
        Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
        Owner: Jane Lomax

        Zinc-finger protein binding

        Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
        containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
        small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
        that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
        RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
        on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
        between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
        number of fingers.

        Source: GOC:go_curators

        is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

        PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

        [ontology-requests:#10725] new
        term request for zinc finger protein binding

        Status: closed-rejected
        Group: None
        Labels: binding
        Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
        Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
        Owner: Jane Lomax

        Zinc-finger protein binding

        Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
        containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
        small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
        that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
        RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
        on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
        between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
        number of fingers.

        Source: GOC:go_curators

        is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

        PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

        Dr Jane Lomax
        Group co-ordinator
        Gene Ontology Group - Samples Phenotypes and Ontologies Team

        European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
        European Molecular Biology Laboratory
        Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
        Cambridge CB10 1SD
        United Kingdom

        P: 01223 492516
        skypename: janelomax
        twitter: @jl242

        [ontology-requests:#10725] new term request for zinc finger protein binding

        Status: closed-rejected
        Group: None
        Labels: binding
        Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
        Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
        Owner: Jane Lomax

        Zinc-finger protein binding

        Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA, RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the number of fingers.

        Source: GOC:go_curators

        is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

        PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



        Ontology requests: #10725

        • Jane Lomax

          Jane Lomax - 2014-03-26

          cc-ing Rachael here but afaik the annotation extension only ever extends
          the GO term, so no information about the entity being annotated should
          go here.

          I think each IL-12 subunit would be annotated to the appropriate GO term
          for the process, and for the function you might also consider using the
          contributes_to qualifier if it's unclear whether the subunit performs
          the function on its own or if both subunits are required.

          Is that what you were asking or have I misunderstood?



          On 26/03/2014 15:11, Michael E Rice wrote:


          Right, IL12 for sheep and human as well as the chimeric sheep/human,

          Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
          School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
          1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
          PO Box 210090-0090
          Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
          The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
          The University of Arizona
          520 955-2745

          From: Jane Lomax []
          Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 7:26 AM
          To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
          Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] Re: #10725 new term request
          for zinc finger protein binding

          Hi Mike

          Which protein are you wanting to annotate, IL-12 itself?


          On 26/03/2014 02:49, Michael E Rice wrote:


          Could I trouble to ask you about new annotation extension terms? There
          is no single UniProt accession for interleukin 12, rather the protein
          is divided into alpha and beta subunits with each having it's own
          accession. In this paper the 2 subunits from sheep and human are
          assayed as a single protein. I understand that I could use the with
          column or in_the_presence_of, but it seems a term such as
          in_combination_with would be a better fit. The paper is PMID:11023671
          figure 4. If you could tell me if this is the correct approach I would
          be grateful. Thank you for your time.


          Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
          School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
          1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
          PO Box 210090-0090
          Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
          The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
          The University of Arizona
          520 955-2745

          From: Michael E Rice []
          Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:37 PM
          To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
          Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] Re: #10725 new term request
          for zinc finger protein binding


          Ok thanks, I was thinking the same so I am glad you looked it over.


          Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
          School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
          1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
          PO Box 210090-0090
          Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
          The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
          The University of Arizona
          520 955-2745

          From: Jane Lomax []
          Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:29 AM
          To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
          Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] #10725 new term request for
          zinc finger protein binding

          Hi Mike

          I see your motivation, but in this case because it's not clear whether
          or not SOX9 actually interacts with the zinc-finger domain of Snail2,
          and because Snail2 isn't predicted to be a member of any existing
          protein family I would not add a new term in this case.

          I would just annotate to 'protein binding' and in the WITH column put
          the protein id for Snail2.




          new term request for zinc finger protein binding

          Status: open
          Group: None
          Labels: binding
          Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
          Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:06 AM UTC
          Owner: Jane Lomax

          Zinc-finger protein binding

          Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
          containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
          small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
          that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
          RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
          on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
          between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
          number of fingers.

          Source: GOC:go_curators

          is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

          PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit


          new term request for zinc finger protein binding

          Status: closed-rejected
          Group: None
          Labels: binding
          Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
          Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
          Owner: Jane Lomax

          Zinc-finger protein binding

          Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
          containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
          small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
          that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
          RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
          on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
          between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
          number of fingers.

          Source: GOC:go_curators

          is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

          PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit


          term request for zinc finger protein binding

          Status: closed-rejected
          Group: None
          Labels: binding
          Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
          Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
          Owner: Jane Lomax

          Zinc-finger protein binding

          Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
          containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
          small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
          that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
          RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
          on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
          between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
          number of fingers.

          Source: GOC:go_curators

          is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

          PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

          Dr Jane Lomax
          Group co-ordinator
          Gene Ontology Group - Samples Phenotypes and Ontologies Team

          European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
          European Molecular Biology Laboratory
          Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
          Cambridge CB10 1SD
          United Kingdom

          P: 01223 492516
          skypename: janelomax
          twitter: @jl242


          new term request for zinc finger protein binding

          Status: closed-rejected
          Group: None
          Labels: binding
          Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
          Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
          Owner: Jane Lomax

          Zinc-finger protein binding

          Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
          containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
          small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
          that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
          RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
          on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
          between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
          number of fingers.

          Source: GOC:go_curators

          is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

          PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

          term request for zinc finger protein binding

          Status: closed-rejected
          Group: None
          Labels: binding
          Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
          Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
          Owner: Jane Lomax

          Zinc-finger protein binding

          Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
          containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
          small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
          that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
          RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
          on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
          between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
          number of fingers.

          Source: GOC:go_curators

          is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

          PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

          Sent from because you indicated interest in

          To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

          Dr Jane Lomax
          Group co-ordinator
          Gene Ontology Group - Samples Phenotypes and Ontologies Team

          European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
          European Molecular Biology Laboratory
          Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
          Cambridge CB10 1SD
          United Kingdom

          P: 01223 492516
          skypename: janelomax
          twitter: @jl242



          Ontology requests: #10725

          • Michael E Rice

            Michael E Rice - 2014-03-26

            yes, so the process is GO:0032946 positive regulation of mononuclear cell proliferation, and I should annotate each subunit separately even though the experiment used the two together as a protein complex? The molecule together is biologically active and the action of each subunit alone is not clear. The function is simply binding, IPI, therefore I can use the with column, correct? Thanks for your help on this.


            Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
            School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
            1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
            PO Box 210090-0090
            Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
            The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
            The University of Arizona
            520 955-2745

            From: Jane Lomax []
            Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 9:15 AM
            To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
            Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] Re: #10725 new term request for zinc finger protein binding

            cc-ing Rachael here but afaik the annotation extension only ever extends
            the GO term, so no information about the entity being annotated should
            go here.

            I think each IL-12 subunit would be annotated to the appropriate GO term
            for the process, and for the function you might also consider using the
            contributes_to qualifier if it's unclear whether the subunit performs
            the function on its own or if both subunits are required.

            Is that what you were asking or have I misunderstood?



            On 26/03/2014 15:11, Michael E Rice wrote:


            Right, IL12 for sheep and human as well as the chimeric sheep/human,

            Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
            School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
            1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
            PO Box 210090-0090
            Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
            The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
            The University of Arizona
            520 955-2745

            From: Jane Lomax []
            Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 7:26 AM
            To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
            Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] Re: #10725 new term request
            for zinc finger protein binding

            Hi Mike

            Which protein are you wanting to annotate, IL-12 itself?


            On 26/03/2014 02:49, Michael E Rice wrote:


            Could I trouble to ask you about new annotation extension terms? There
            is no single UniProt accession for interleukin 12, rather the protein
            is divided into alpha and beta subunits with each having it's own
            accession. In this paper the 2 subunits from sheep and human are
            assayed as a single protein. I understand that I could use the with
            column or in_the_presence_of, but it seems a term such as
            in_combination_with would be a better fit. The paper is PMID:11023671
            figure 4. If you could tell me if this is the correct approach I would
            be grateful. Thank you for your time.


            Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
            School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
            1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
            PO Box 210090-0090
            Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
            The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
            The University of Arizona
            520 955-2745

            From: Michael E Rice []
            Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:37 PM
            To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
            Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] Re: #10725 new term request
            for zinc finger protein binding


            Ok thanks, I was thinking the same so I am glad you looked it over.


            Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
            School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
            1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
            PO Box 210090-0090
            Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
            The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
            The University of Arizona
            520 955-2745

            From: Jane Lomax []
            Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 9:29 AM
            To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
            Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] #10725 new term request for
            zinc finger protein binding

            Hi Mike

            I see your motivation, but in this case because it's not clear whether
            or not SOX9 actually interacts with the zinc-finger domain of Snail2,
            and because Snail2 isn't predicted to be a member of any existing
            protein family I would not add a new term in this case.

            I would just annotate to 'protein binding' and in the WITH column put
            the protein id for Snail2.



            new term request for zinc finger protein binding

            Status: open
            Group: None
            Labels: binding
            Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
            Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 11:06 AM UTC
            Owner: Jane Lomax

            Zinc-finger protein binding

            Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
            containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
            small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
            that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
            RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
            on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
            between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
            number of fingers.

            Source: GOC:go_curators

            is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

            PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

            To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

            new term request for zinc finger protein binding

            Status: closed-rejected
            Group: None
            Labels: binding
            Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
            Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
            Owner: Jane Lomax

            Zinc-finger protein binding

            Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
            containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
            small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
            that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
            RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
            on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
            between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
            number of fingers.

            Source: GOC:go_curators

            is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

            PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

            To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

            term request for zinc finger protein binding

            Status: closed-rejected
            Group: None
            Labels: binding
            Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
            Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
            Owner: Jane Lomax

            Zinc-finger protein binding

            Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
            containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
            small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
            that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
            RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
            on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
            between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
            number of fingers.

            Source: GOC:go_curators

            is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

            PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

            To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

            Dr Jane Lomax
            Group co-ordinator
            Gene Ontology Group - Samples Phenotypes and Ontologies Team

            European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
            European Molecular Biology Laboratory
            Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
            Cambridge CB10 1SD
            United Kingdom

            P: 01223 492516
            skypename: janelomax
            twitter: @jl242

            new term request for zinc finger protein binding

            Status: closed-rejected
            Group: None
            Labels: binding
            Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
            Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
            Owner: Jane Lomax

            Zinc-finger protein binding

            Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
            containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
            small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
            that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
            RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
            on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
            between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
            number of fingers.

            Source: GOC:go_curators

            is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

            PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

            To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

            term request for zinc finger protein binding

            Status: closed-rejected
            Group: None
            Labels: binding
            Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
            Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
            Owner: Jane Lomax

            Zinc-finger protein binding

            Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein
            containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively
            small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions
            that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA,
            RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend
            on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker
            between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the
            number of fingers.

            Source: GOC:go_curators

            is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

            PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

            To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit

            Dr Jane Lomax
            Group co-ordinator
            Gene Ontology Group - Samples Phenotypes and Ontologies Team

            European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
            European Molecular Biology Laboratory
            Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
            Cambridge CB10 1SD
            United Kingdom

            P: 01223 492516
            skypename: janelomax
            twitter: @jl242

            [ontology-requests:#10725] new term request for zinc finger protein binding

            Status: closed-rejected
            Group: None
            Labels: binding
            Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
            Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
            Owner: Jane Lomax

            Zinc-finger protein binding

            Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA, RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the number of fingers.

            Source: GOC:go_curators

            is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

            PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

            Sent from because you indicated interest in

            To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



            Ontology requests: #10725

  • rach_huntley

    rach_huntley - 2014-03-27

    Hi Mike,

    Ideally in these situations we would be annotating the complex ID, we are working on allowing Protein2GO to do this, but we're not there yet. So for now, you should annotate the individual subunits with the process term. If there is evidence, you can also add the complex term GO:0043514 interleukin-12 complex to both subunits.


    • Michael E Rice

      Michael E Rice - 2014-03-27

      Thanks Rachael, that will be fine; it can be changed in the future. appreciate your help.


      Michael E. Rice AgBase biocurator
      School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Science
      1117 E. Lowell st. Rm 101A
      PO Box 210090-0090
      Tucson, AZ 85721-0038
      The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
      The University of Arizona
      520 955-2745

      From: rach_huntley []
      Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 2:47 AM
      To: [geneontology:ontology-requests]
      Subject: [geneontology:ontology-requests] #10725 new term request for zinc finger protein binding

      Hi Mike,

      Ideally in these situations we would be annotating the complex ID, we are working on allowing Protein2GO to do this, but we're not there yet. So for now, you should annotate the individual subunits with the process term. If there is evidence, you can also add the complex term GO:0043514 interleukin-12 complex to both subunits.


      [ontology-requests:#10725] new term request for zinc finger protein binding

      Status: closed-rejected
      Group: None
      Labels: binding
      Created: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:06 PM UTC by Michael E Rice
      Last Updated: Tue Mar 25, 2014 04:30 PM UTC
      Owner: Jane Lomax

      Zinc-finger protein binding

      Definition: Interacting selectively and non-covalently with a protein containing a Zinc finger domain. Zinc finger domains are relatively small protein motifs that contain multiple finger-like protrusions that make tandem contacts with their target molecule which can be DNA, RNA, protein, and/or lipid substrates. Their binding properties depend on the amino acid sequence of the finger domains and of the linker between fingers, as well as on the higher-order structures and the number of fingers.

      Source: GOC:go_curators

      is_a protein domain specific binding GO:0019904

      PMID: 17210253, PMID: 9478126

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Ontology requests: #10725

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