
Remove (Documents, etc.) Icons

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2008-03-18

    Unless I am missing something, It's currently not possible to remove the documents, music, pictures, videos and explore icons.

    I love Geek Menu because it's so customisable, however I don't organise my files in those directories.

    IMHO being able to remove these icons would further increase the appeal of Geek Menu.


    • John Black

      John Black - 2008-03-19

      You can change the icon, name, and point them to a different folder.
      In the locale file change:
      ICON_DOCUMENTS=Files  (This changes the name from Documents to Files.)
      LOCATION_DOCUMENTS=$TRUECRYPTDRIVE$:\Files  -  (When you select "Documents(Which is now Files)" it goes to a folder I have called Files.)
      To change the icon just put a icon you like in \PortableApps\geekMenu\Data\iconThemes\default and name it documents.ico.

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2008-03-25


        I knew it was possible to change the directory the icons pointed to, but I wasn't aware you could change the name of the icon too.

        Problem solved!

    • Bruno Sampayo

      Bruno Sampayo - 2008-03-27

      Where Can I find this option:



      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2008-03-27

        I'm not sure exactly what you mean but if you want to know where to edit LOCATION_DOCUMENTS then:

        1. click 'options' from geekmenu
        2. click 'advanced options'
        3. switch to 'advanced' tab
        4. click 'edit current locale'
        5. look for the LOCATION_ entries you want to modify, if they are not present simply add them using the format "LOCATION_DOCUMENTS=$TRUECRYPTDRIVE$:\Files"
        6. save the file
        7. re-start geek menu

        Hope that helps

    • Bruno Sampayo

      Bruno Sampayo - 2008-03-27

         Thanks, And How can I delete some options like: (Backup, help, search)from buttons ?


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2008-03-27

        As far as I am aware, that is not currently possible.

        If you require more help with any of the geekmenu features, there is a help forum which may be more appropriate for your queries.

  • knezan

    knezan - 2009-11-11

    How would i remove those titles (documents, pictures, etc) from menu and add my own icons? and how would i make my own menu there?
    i am using PA version, might get g.m version of menu ;P

  • Christopher Litsinger

    Well, you definitely can't do it in PA, you can't currently do it in either, although this will be something that can be controlled with themes at some point in the future.


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