
1.4 "Advanced Text"

  • Christopher Litsinger

    This file holds the text that shows on the advanced tab in the Options dialog.  Again english-us should be used as the template.

  • Christopher Litsinger

    English-us: has many features not exposed through this settings dialog.  These settings tend to be advanced
    features, or features that are not easily presented through the GUI.

    *** INI File Settings ***
    In the  section, trueCryptMountTimeout defines how long to wait(in seconds) for the
    truecrypt volume to mount before exit

    *** Locale file settings ***
    Custom directory locations can be defined for the directory buttons (documents, music, etc) through the locale
    file loaded.  Here is an example:


    *** Searchbar ***
    The searchbar locations can be defined through the locale file as well (although the URLs must support google
    (or wiki) compatible syntax.


    *** Fonts ***
    Adding fonts to a geekmenu\data\PortableFonts directory and copying TrueType font files to that directory will
    cause font to be registered to the local PC while is running.

    *** Autorun ***
    Multiple autorun files can be defined to autorun different sets of applications to be executed on different PCs. 
    The easiest way to do this is to add all possible applications through the autorun tab of the settings dialog. 
    Then copy this file to multiple autorun.pcname.lst files(replacing pcname with the pc name where the autorun
    should be executed).  Edit this file in a text editor to remove unwanted applications from given PCs files.

    *** Interface Tricks ***
    -Alt + Clicking on the "explore" button when using Truecrypt will browse the host drive, rather than the
    encrypted partition.
    -Creating custom buttons or changing the application names to include a "&" character in front of a letter will
    create a keybord shortcut that can be used with "ALT+(whatever letter the & is in front of)".  To actually
    display an ampersand in a label, type &&


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