
Geedot Web Browser / News: Recent posts

GDToolkit is dead

I've discovered that there is another project already named GDToolkit (the Graph Draw Toolkit). Because of this and the fact that gdtoolkit was still on the originial experimental codebase, I've decided to start on a new codebase which utilizes knowledge I've gained from working on gdtoolkit. The new name will be ACIDT, and acronym of Abstract Computer Interface Development Toolkit; pronounced "acid" the new system will be even more modularized than gdtoolkit and will even utilize drivers for system dependent functions such as drawing and events. ACIDT will have the same look and feel of GDToolkit and will be the toolkit upon which the Geedot Browser is designed.
--Luke Crowthers

Posted by Lucas Crowthers 2001-07-25

GDToolkit is dead

I've discovered that there is another project already named GDToolkit (the Graph Draw Toolkit). Because of this and the fact that gdtoolkit was still on the originial experimental codebase, I've decided to start on a new codebase which utilizes knowledge I've gained from working on gdtoolkit. The new name will be ACIDT, and acronym of Abstract Computer Interface Development Toolkit; pronounced "acid" the new system will be even more modularized than gdtoolkit and will even utilize drivers for system dependent functions such as drawing and events. ACIDT will have the same look and feel of GDToolkit and will be the toolkit upon which the Geedot Browser is designed.
--Luke Crowthers

Posted by Lucas Crowthers 2001-07-25

Getting Serious

Alrighty, it is almost time to start development on Geedot proper. So far development has been exclusively limited to gdtoolkit and gdhttp (though mostly gdtoolkit) and now that I've almost finished GeedotScrollbar and only need to complete GeedotDropdown for the 0.1.0 release of gdlibs I can almost begin coding a real web browser.

Before I do, though, I will do two housekeeping chores. First, I'm going to create a REAL web page for geedot (you may have noticed that is pretty worthless). In concordance with this I'm thinking about running a logo competition, but I've not decided yet. The main purpose of the page will be to describe how Geedot will accomplish certain tasks integral to a browser (I've spent a lot of time on this one :); this will tie directly into my second housekeeping chore. I need to round up some people who want to work on Geedot (not gdtoolkit, it is simple enought that one person can keep track of it better). Those of you who want to help will need to learn how to use gdtoolkit. I haven't written any fromal documentation for gdtoolkit yet, so I will use the experiences of these core developers learning the toolkit to write the most effective documentation possible. Oh, and if you like pain and want to write the documentation yourself, go ahead, I wont complain :).... read more

Posted by Lucas Crowthers 2000-12-16

New Member News

Welcome, if you are reading this it means you probably just started helping with Geedot Web Browser.

Thanks in advance for whatever contributions in terms of time or effort or anything else that you are about to donate to geedot, by working together we can fix the "browser problem" that linux seems to have and provide a stable, fast, and open browser for linux users.

Thanks again,

Luke Crowthers

Posted by Lucas Crowthers 2000-04-23