
LaTeX Plugin version 0.2 final available!

* fixed URL escaping issues [ 2979778 ]
* avoiding the column separator in the completion popup
* fixed crashes when activating/deactivating the plugin with (several) files open [ 2979394, 2929220 ]

* added \emph to font tools [ 2911558 ]
* \varnothing needs amssymb package
* switch to hyperref for PDF meta data [ 2809478 ]
* added hyperref package to latex.xml
* fixed memory leak when saving [ 2979799 ]
* fixed relative paths and extensions for inputs [ 2927409 ]

Embedded Preview
* added SyncTeX support for the embedded viewer, through Ctrl+LeftClick in source or view
* fixed sync edit, when synctex gives a relative file path for the input_file
* double-click (or press Space or Enter when selected) on a node in outline synchronizes source and output (equivalent to click in outline, then Ctrl+click in the source at the highlighted position)
* single preview panel for all source files attached to one output file [ 2942875 ]
* added support for links in pdf document
* added focusability of the preview, with usual keyboard (and keyboard+mouse_scrolling) shortcuts. Navigation from view to preview is by Ctrl+Tab, and from preview to view is by Tab or Ctrl+Tab.
* added support for "single page" type of view (for beamer presentations etc.)
* added magnifying glass for left mouse button
* fixed memory leak when scrolling [ 2974140 ]

* fixed support for R Sweave [ 2825855 ]
* fixed resolution setting in image exporter
* added quotes to Cleanup tool, to handle directories with spaces
* made the tool id's unique, it crashed the plugin when not the case

* fixed the algorithm to swap two tools in the preferences dialog (removing the two tools at the same time changed the position where they should have been inserted back)
* fixed case problem in ShowLatexToolbar preference (there were ShowLatexToolbar and ShowLaTeXToolbar)
* toggling the "Show Latex Toolbar" option in the Miscelleaneous tab directly shows or hides the toolbar

* added tooltips to the "Show Tables" and "Show graphics" buttons in the Outline

Posted by Michael Zeising 2010-04-18

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