
Gedit LaTeX Plugin version 0.2 rc3 available

* fixed crash in LaTeX validator
* warn instead of crash on '\include{file.tex}' [ 2749624 ]
* implemented user dictionary and improved spell checking configuration [ 2792874 ]
* removed duplicates from latex.xml [ 2869574 ]
* implemented template support ("Save As Template" and new from template)
* fixed DVI forward search issue [ 2884708 ]
* improved "New LaTeX Document" dialog [ 2897797 ]
* fixed the "Choose Master Document" dialog [ 2898996 ]
* improved the embedded PDF preview [ 2839668 ]

* fixed crash in BibTeX parser
* fixed exception in bibliography style preview

* tool keyboard shortcut may be configured again
* fixed serialize error when saving tools [ 2892971 ]

* the file extensions activating LaTeX or BibTeX features may now be configured (key 'LatexExtensions' in preferences.xml) [ 2818067 ]
* improved debug output format
* fixed encoding issues with config files
* fixed special-character-in-urls issue [ 2794805 ]

Posted by Michael Zeising 2009-11-21

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