
GêBR / News: Recent posts

Release 0.9.5

Release 0.9.5 has come with major improvements and bug fixes. Most remarkable achievement is the increase of stability of the remote execution of flows, introduced in previous release, but many other are important as well. To name few: new type of parameters supported (lists and enum), enhanced log system and context menus.

Posted by Ricardo Biloti 2008-06-27

New release

Release 0.9.3 has come with major improvements. From now on, GêBR can run flows remotely, through secure connections. Besides, it is possible to manage your jobs easly through the interface. Details about projects and lines are shown, in the same way it is done to flows. Many other uncountable bugs were fixed.

Posted by Ricardo Biloti 2007-12-13

Official announcement

In the last International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, GêBR was officialy announced. Also, the GêBR project was presented to the audience.

Posted by Ricardo Biloti 2007-12-03

Daily snapshots

GêBR is evolving fast. To those who want to track the last developments, there is a repository with daily build binary packages. Just point your browser to
Detailed instructions were published at GêBR discussion group (

Posted by Ricardo Biloti 2007-10-26