Lex Trotman - 2015-07-02

Menu->search->more->find next selection

No keybinding by default, define your own favourite one.

On 2 July 2015 at 20:25, yamiddu yamiddu@users.sf.net wrote:

[feature-requests:#750] easy Find Next, as Ctrl+H in nedit

Status: open
Group: v1.25
Created: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:25 AM UTC by yamiddu
Last Updated: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:25 AM UTC
Owner: nobody

It would be nice to have this very handy nedit feature in geany too. The
most similar thing I found up to now is Ctrl+G, but that works only if you
had looked for that certain text beforehand.

The feature: mouse/key select a text, Ctrl+G to get to the next, or stay
there if not found (no pop-up window saying not found), and passing from the
end to the beginning of the document( again no pop-up saying continue from

Really hope it will be implemented, or, if it's already there, please let me
know, cause I really like geany but I am addicted to this feature!

(I am using geany 1.24.1, compiled from source, on Ubuntu)

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Feature Requests: #750