
#1025 Saved wrong file


Ubuntu 13.04
GTK 2.24.17

How to reproduce the bug:

  1. Create a new file.
  2. Save it, but don't enter filename. Just leave dialog open.
  3. Open new file.
  4. It will open the file, but keep the previous save dialog open.
  5. Enter a filename and save the file. It will save the recently opened file (not the one that you wanted to save) with the name that you just set in the dialog.


  • Lex Trotman

    Lex Trotman - 2014-01-24

    The save dialog is supposed to be modal, you should not be able to do anything whilst its open. This is a bug in your GTK or your desktop integration with GTK that allows you to violate this.

    All of Geany is written on the assumption that dialogs are modal, performing any other action whilst a dialog is open risks unexpected behaviour, up to crashing.

    This is a known problem on KDE. Which desktop are you using?

    • Joaquín

      Joaquín - 2014-01-27

      I'm using Gnome

  • Colomban Wendling

    @elextr I can reproduce opening a file from the CLI. I didn't check how it happens, but it's known that during gtk_dialog_run() main loop can kick in, even if everything behaves properly.

    So I can confirm this bug exists, though I believe has low priority. Not saving the displayed file can also be considered as an issue.

  • Lex Trotman

    Lex Trotman - 2014-01-24

    Ok, the OP didn't mention opening from CL though, so needs to clarify if that is the case reported or if the problem can occur from the UI (which it can for KDE, and Unity see bug #976).

    Should open a separate more general bug for CL operations occurring at times where Geany does not expect state to change, eg half way through a replace dialog operation.

  • Colomban Wendling

    • status: open --> open-accepted
    • Priority: 5 --> 3

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