
Great Cow Basic Help File

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2014-02-01

    Currently updating the help file with lots of new functions and additions that we as a community have discovered.

    Post you your hot topic you want to have included. I will add if appropriate. :-)

    If you do post - do the following. Create a new topic with a short description. Let me review and respond. If I have it included already then I will let you know. Then, subsequently if we do include can you please post again a full help page using an existing help page as your template.

    So far 24 pages have been revised, of these pages 15 are new pages!

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2014-02-02

    Updates included, so far, in the Help file are as follows:
    Jan 14
    New item(s)
    · Len
    · Asc
    · Chr
    · Trim
    · Ltrim
    · Rtrim
    · Swap4
    · Swap
    · Abs
    · Average
    · Trim
    · Ltrim
    · Rtrim
    · Wordtobin
    · Bytetobin
    · Using variables
    · More on constants and variables
    · Acknowledgements
    Changes to
    · Str
    · Hex
    · Poke
    · Readtable
    · Exit (was exitsub)
    · Command line parameters
    · Frequently asked questions

    See here for the latest DRAFT of the help file.


    Last edit: Anobium 2014-02-02
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2014-02-08

    Another release. See attached for the latest DRAFT of the help file. I just figured out that you cannot download the CHM file, and, you need to remove the UNBLOCK on your WINDOWS/FILE properties to view this download.

    Added all the GLCD, added two more functions, timer overview and a few more items. THANK YOU CHUCK!!!

    Update stdbasic also, and posted a load of hardware files also today.


    Last edit: Anobium 2014-02-08
  • Frank Steinberg

    Frank Steinberg - 2014-02-12

    What about

    #option bootloader Address

    Seems to be included since 2007.


    Last edit: Frank Steinberg 2014-02-12
    • Anobium

      Anobium - 2014-02-12

      Good point.

      Would you be able to create a simple example etc.? Explanation etc.?

      Most grateful.

  • Frank Steinberg

    Frank Steinberg - 2014-02-14

    As far as i understood from some forum post:
    ("#option bootloader 0x800" worked for me with 18f14k50 and diolan-USB-bootloader):

    #option bootloader
        #option bootloader address
    #option bootloader prevents the overwriting of any pre-loaded bootloader code,
    vectors, etc. below "address" and have all GCBASIC code start at "address".
    Syntax Example:
        #option bootloader 0x800
  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2014-02-14

    Another release. Getting close, added Bootloader and an enhanced Select Case.

  • Anobium

    Anobium - 2014-02-17

    This posting is a placeholder for changes in the help file and the related documentation.

    1. Add PulseOutInv (inverted PulseOut) - when released
    2. Add #Option Explicit - when released
    3. Tidy up/Delete and archive the /DOCS folder of the current distro. Many of the documents in this folder are no longer valid. Files like GCBASIC Command Guide.pdf, GCBLimitations, GCBNotes and versions.txt
    4. Change COMMENTS to include ‘ ; REM can be used as comments NOT just '
    5. Change Built-in #defines used for #IFDEF. There are a host more.
    6. Errors in HSerPrint. The entry refers to SerPrint not HSerPrint. :-) The 'Serprint channel,' should read 'HSerPrint '

    Last edit: Anobium 2014-02-18

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