Anonymous - 2012-08-21

Hi gang,

I wonder if the following would be difficult to implement:

1. The Table command seems to require one datum per line which makes for a long, skinny vertical column of source code. It would be nice to permit a horizontal line with the data separated by white space. So, instead of

table test
end table

one could employ:

table test
  65 66 67
end table

2. Since Tables are often used to store messages (e.g., for use with LCDs) it would also be handy to be able to create tables directly with ASCII strings. For example, instead of:

table test
end table

one could employ:

table test
end table

3. Similarly, how about a new command which could be used to preload messages into the data eeprom? EPRead and EPwrite are used when a program is running, but it would be great to store static messages or tables in the eeprom during the programming operation.

4. A new command "Toggle" which would flip states of an output pin would be useful.

5. The Seven-Segment routines presuppose a common-cathode display. It would be nice to add a flag which would permit a common-anode type. I suppose this would inject a complement instruction in the assembly code.

6. Allow ENDIF as an alias of END IF.

7. Allow INC and DEC as aliases of ++ and -.

8. Provide MAX and MIN functions, usable with either byte or word variables.

9. Let hexadecimal operands be indicated by $ff, say, instead of 0xff.

10. Similarly, let binary numbers be indicated by %10101010, say, instead of 0b10101010.

Thanks for listening,

Thomas Henry