
#152 Consistently Non-Functioning Service


Repeatedly over the past two to three weeks I have been unable to access Gator WebMail. Sometimes I receive a message saying that the service is temporarily inaccessible due to high demand... which does not always seem credible, since this problem persisted when UF was NOT in session during the week break between Summer A and Summer B classes, clearly NOT a time of high demand. I just had this problem occur today, Saturday July 4 at 9:00 p.m., a time I suspect most users of Gator WebMail are out doing things besides checking their UF email... thus, the chances that "high demand" is the cause of Gator Webmail's problems would seem stunningly small.

On occasion, when attempting to log in, the page will continue to load for several minutes, and nothing happens. Again, the end result is FAIL.

If this is a problem particular to my account, please inform me how it can be rectified. If this is a broader problem experienced by other users, and my non-scientific survey of other Webmail users suggests that this is indeed the case, please either solve the issue or, at the very least, notify the product users of these challenges and the efforts that you are making to overcome them. A little transparency goes a long way.

With much patience,
Gator Webmail User and UF Instructor


  • Matt Williams

    Matt Williams - 2010-07-06

    I want to echo the comments of "Perplexed Gator." Webmail has been driving me nuts for about two weeks with its intermittent failures, obviously incorrect error messages, etc. Please, please, please let people know what is going on and when it is expected to be fixed ... then fix it!


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