
#200 Duplicate plugin paths in persisted application files

workaround (1)

GATE 8.1: there are situations where a gapp/xgapp file gets stored by GATE and it contains exactly the same plugin path twice.
The entries are exactly the same, the paths are character-by-character identical.
When loading such a file, there is only one "plugin loaded" message for such a plugin in the message pane.
Saving that application again then does remove the duplicate entries. Need to find the situation that causes duplicate entries to get saved.


  • Johann Petrak

    Johann Petrak - 2015-06-19

    Fixed as of r18791

  • Johann Petrak

    Johann Petrak - 2015-06-19
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Johann Petrak

    Johann Petrak - 2015-06-19

    Actually the change in r18791 is more of a work-around, there is probably a better way to prevent the plugins to get loaded several times in the plugin manager.
    So leaving this open for now.

  • Johann Petrak

    Johann Petrak - 2015-06-19
    • labels: --> workaround
    • status: closed-fixed --> open
  • Mark Greenwood

    Mark Greenwood - 2018-05-31
    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date
  • Mark Greenwood

    Mark Greenwood - 2018-05-31

    with the whole plugin mechanism having changed this is probably irrelevant and I believe even with directory plugins the changes means this is no longer an issue


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