kocoman - 2006-07-05

Is it possible to upgrade Palm Tungsten T1 (version 5.0) into T2 (version 5.2.1) by using linux ARM booting? ie: can I boot linux ldrolez.free.fr/software/tungsten/ and extract the T2's ROM and flash it onto T1. what linux application can do that? I have heard about using Jacksprat before but the result was not working. (a few years ago from palmstamp.com - china site) Also has anyone tried using MakeTungsten (so it tricks a T1 into a T2 so any firmware upgrade for T2 will work for T1?)  I know it is risky. but what about recovering from bad flash with debug mode? Any one can point me to somewhere would be great. Thanks. I am looking to install J2ME Websphere but it needs T2 (maybe faked with MakeTungsten?) or 5.2.1 which I can't use.  Thanks