
Galileo: a Distributed Genetic Algorithm / News: Recent posts

Galileo: a python genetic algorithm released

After two years of waiting, and two afternoons of actual work, Galileo has finally been released. Galileo is a python module that allows developers to quickly construct canonical (and some non-canonical) genetic algorithms. The code is based on the ga2 C++ genetic algorithm library.

Posted by Don Goodman-Wilson 2003-02-10

ga2 Base code up

The c++ code which this project will be based on is up for download from the <a href = "">ga2 project</a>. Work on this project will commence now. Sorry for the wait...more waiting to come.

Posted by Don Goodman-Wilson 2001-06-07

Galileo project opens

Announcing the Galileo project: the goal, to create a python modules for creating distributed genetic algorithms. The basis: an extant, unreleased GA library I wrote in C++ last year. The idea is to port this library into Python (why? because there are plenty of good C++ GA libs out there, and none for Python), then split it into a client server archetecture with XML-RPC, allowing for true parallel processing within the GA.
So, no code for now...but it's coming soon.

Posted by Don Goodman-Wilson 2001-05-18