
The new web site is on the way

The new website is on the way, totally made from PHP. I've almost done the biggest part (creating the tools to administrate/view the pages) so it will be up during the weekend or at the beginning of the next week.

When it will be done, the content will be updated more often and the news will be displayed directly on the site. I'm creating a whole multi-user administration system, so the administration job will be easy to do by any member of the project (depending on the privileges of each users).

I also continue to work on the project and I'm currently building the texture editor. I will also add a new property to the planets : the type. You'll be able to choose between different planet types and then, with the texture editor, define a list of materials that will be available for the planets of the different types. I didn't wanted to do that at the beginning : I wanted procedural textures, so every planets could have a unique landscape texture and bumpmap, but as I don't have an idea on how to do it, I will go with the easy way. So if anybody can help me to achieve it, it would be really great!

That all for the moment, don't be shy giving me some feedback or suggestions, any help will be appreciated!

Posted by Blaise Bernier 2003-05-25

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