hellcatv - 2001-05-04

Hello, I noticed you were in the planning stages of a very massive/complicated project....namely the project I'm in the mid/Alpha stages of development on...
I'm working on a trading multiplayer galactic warfare game called vegastrike.  Vegastrike has been through various incarnations including a full release a while back (but it was very limited) this one will focus on multiplayer free trade and warfare...jsut like what you guys appear to want.  We are in desparate need of competant 3d programmers...and hope that you would consider merging the projects.  Under the GPL, we would be glad to add any features you people seek in your game... and work on the engine until it meets everyone's desire in customizability and compatability!  Please visit vegastrike's website at http://vegastrike.sourceforge.net
maybe we can form a partnership--and get both of our games (or the same game) done in half the time!!!!!! good luck to all of you