
Gait-CAD 1.8 online

The Gait-CAD version 1.8 is now online, including updated extension packages.

Main changes:
• validation of Hierarchical Bayes classifiers
• test of normal distribution for single features
• further macros to generate single features in the folder ”standardmakros” (MIN, SUM, MEAN)
• loading of Excel files etc. with MATLAB function ”Import Data from File”
• improved visualization of image plot for time series with class sorting
• visualization of regression coefficients for Polynom models with increasing number of features
• conversion of class probabilities (in percentage) into single features
• selection of single features using feature value ranges
• new m-file generate_new_gaitcad_project.m to save Gait-CAD projects with variables from MATLAB
• selecting of additional search paths for plugins or m-files (temporary or permanent)
• repair of empty names for single features, time series, output variables and linguistic terms (to
avoid problems especially in the selection durinbg macro execution)
• improved MATLAB version compatibility (MATLAB 2013a)
• large variety of bug fixes

Peptide Extension:
• integration of conformation estimation by Tango, must be downloaded separately from (Tango.exe must be placed into the toolbox directory of the Peptides Extension).
• visualization of amino acid distributions depending on sequence positions
• different algorithms for the design of fuzzy sets in peptide_standard.plugpar
• serious bugfix from version 1.2 and 1.7 in the computation of molecular descriptors

Posted by Ralf Mikut 2013-07-24

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