
Gaim-vv Release Cycle?

  • travail101

    travail101 - 2005-03-30

    since gaim-vv is planned for merger with gaim proper (or has this changed?) would it be to difficult for gaim-vv to follow the gaim release cycle instead of waiting for it's own new features? this way those of us using gaim-vv could have just one gaim installed without being either outdated or without the latest added functionality of gaim-vv.

    since I don't code I don't know how simple or difficult this would be, it's just a thought... if it's too much trouble just keep on doin' what your doin'

    • Peter Lawler

      Peter Lawler - 2005-03-31

      We've spent a fair amount of time re-writing the backend of gaim-vv for GStreamer use. This has certainly in the past held back sanity checks of keeping as close as possible to the actual gaim release. However, things are looking up.

      The new gaim-vv 1.2.0 is based on gaim-1.2.0 with a patch to fix the known ICQ issue that gaim-1.2.0 has. Now the basic gstreamer video backend is 'largely' done, we should be able to version match better. Having said that, we're more interested in keeping track of bugfixes, rather than new features, as we'd rather not have to worry about new potential bugs introduced by new gaim features.

      In a nutshell, we expect to track official gaim more closely in future.


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