
#28 Show buddy list entry in taskbar does not work in 2.4.0


From forum, By: pariswd

I just installed Pidgin 2.4 and noticed that unchecking "Show buddy list entry in taskbar" seems to no longer to function correctly.

That is, when I uncheck "Show buddy list entry in taskbar", I expect there to be no icon in the running programs icon area of the Windows taskbar. However, when running 2.4, the icon is always displayed -- checking and unchecking seems to have no effect.

As a test I just re-installed Pidgin 2.3.1 and the function works correctly, so the problem seems to be only when I run 2.4.

Did the Pidgin folks break something in 2.4? Or does Extended Prefs need an update for that function to work correctly in 2.4? Or is it just me (shudder at the thought)?


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  • Nobody/Anonymous

    This bug affects me too, I am running WinXP and Pidgin 2.5.4!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    pidgin 2.5.5 broken too, altho there is no large change from 2.5.4 to 2.5.5

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    pidgin 2.5.8 has the same problem. installed gtk 2.12.1 rev-b and its fixed.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    This problem has resurfaced in Windows 7. The first time pidgin launches, the taskbar icon does not appear correctly. However, if you close and re-open the buddy list a few times, the taskbar icon shows up.

  • Craig Harding

    Craig Harding - 2009-10-27

    This isn't a re-surfacing problem, it's a problem with the windows build of gtk. See the gnome bugzilla link below. This EP bug is just kept open so people can find a fix for this issue until the gtk bug is fixed.

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