
Can't uninstall or reconfigure GAG - SOLVED

  • Tony Henrie

    Tony Henrie - 2008-01-30

    I have seen several threads on different forums that complain that after installing GAG, it sometimes will not give the installation options menu when booting from CD and will no longer save to floppy or properly boot after having the boot options for the OSs reconfigured.  It appears this is because GAG has a "safety" feature that allows the computer to boot from HD even if GAG gets corrupted or overwritten.  Problem with this is that GAG then no longer will boot from the CD, even when the CD/DVD is selected as the first boot option.  Therefore you don't get the install/uninstall options menu from the CD.

    I solved this by going into bios at startup (F2 on my computer) and disabling the "boot from HD" option.  This forced a boot from the CD even though GAG didn't want to, which gave me the install/uninstall options menu.  I uninstalled, restarted, then restarted from my Windows Vista CD, selected the Repair Windows/Repair Startup options, then restarted again.  This time I went into bios and re-enabled the boot from HD option (keeping it set to boot first from CD), and everything was back to normal.  Ready to try again.

    • Clawinus

      Clawinus - 2008-05-31

      I have similar experience, no solution, though.

      GAG after installation eliminated the booting from CD DVD drive, although the device had first position on boot sequence.

      I uninstalled GAG and got confirmation that uninstall was successful.

      Disabling HDD from boot sequence does not help me; The boot process does not recognise iso CDs.

      How can I repair the booting?


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