
How-To with Vista

  • RacerX

    RacerX - 2007-01-13

    I have tried several times to install GAG after a clean install of Vista RC1. Only to have screwed it up somehow so that Vista wont boot.

    Please - for those of you that have done this - put up the process that you used. I HATE having to go back to the old Sony restore roms of XP.

    Even more so - I HATE having to use Windows (mostly for iTunes) so untill there is something that will play iTune files under FreeBSD, this is what I must do.

    • JGustavo

      JGustavo - 2008-01-28

      put the vista dvd, boot whit it
      select repair.
      this detect error on boot, fix it and reboot.
      if not repaired, repeat again, and again.......

    • Tony Henrie

      Tony Henrie - 2008-01-30

      I had a problem with GAG in which it installed properly, but after several restarts, while I was working with ubuntu and PCBSD installation problems, it stopped booting ubuntu and would install windows no matter what OS I chose in the GAG menu.  Maybe my solution will help you. 

      GAG has a "safety" feature that allows it to boot from the HD even if it has been overwritten, which seems to make it so if the file gets overwritten by a reconfiguring of GAG that didn't go right, or a repair from windows, it will no longer boot from the GAG disc and won't give the options page that allows you to choose to uninstall.  I solved the problem by going into the bios at startup (F2), to the boot menu, and disabling the boot to HD option.  This forced a boot from the GAG CD, brining up the install/uninstall menu.  I then uninstalled GAG, then restarted from the Windows Vista (or in my case the Gateway Systems) disc, selected "repair Windows" then the "repair startup" selections, then restarted again.  This time I went back into bios at startup (F2) and re-enabled the boot from HD option.  Everything is back to normal now and windows is humming along happily.  I'm not so happy, because I was hoping I could get PCBSD and ubuntu installed and working, but they don't seem to like my computer.


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