Michel - 2011-10-05


I apologize for my poor English (i'm French)

I installed GAG on a notebook Maxdata 8100IS (manufactured on september 2005) with this "mapping" :

sda1 NTFS     7 Go primary with Windows 2000
sda2 NTFS    42 Go primary
sda3 NTFS    42 Go primary
sda5 Swap   500 Mo
sda6 ext3     7 Go         /     for Linux Debian 1
sda7 ext3    49 Go         /home for Linux Debian 1
sda8 ext3 # 1,5 Go         /     for Linux Debian 2 (for maintenance tools)

But GAG see :

A Floppy
B 07h OS/2 HPFS or Win-NT NTFS (OK)
C 07h OS/2 HPFS or Win-NT NTFS (OK)
D 07h OS/2 HPFS or Win-NT NTFS (OK)
E 82h                          (OK)
F 83h Linux ext2               (OK)
G 83h Linux ext2               (OK)

So it can boot Windows 2000 (on B) and the 1st Linux (on F), but not the 2nd Linux.
I've tried with G to K and i always have the message "boot sector infected".

I think (but perheaps it is false) the problem comes from this :
- Originally this netbook had a 60 Gb HDD
- I replaced it with a 160 Gb HDD
- It seems the BIOS does not access above 128 Go, and there no newer release
  I think that because :
  . Partition saving (http://www.partition-saving.com/) worked under MS-DOS with the old HDD
  . It does'nt work on MS-DOS with the new HDD, but works under Linux
  . It works under MS-DOS on another PC which has 2 x HDD, each with much more than 128 Gb

The 2nd Linux can be booted from GRUB2 of the 1st Linux.
Of course, i would like to boot it from GAG, to have the 3 OS completely independent

So, is there a way to obtain that ?
Thank you for your answers.
