
I used g4u since 2008 and always wanted to rebuild it from source just to learn things and, eventually, include a script to automate tasks, to limiting user typos.
I am an Ubuntu user, so the first try was on it, but after many errors, I gave it up. So decided to virtualize NetBSD7 on vmware player because, in my case, it is easier than on actual hardware, and, as one could derive it, with a virtual machine, one could clone it and compile various tests at the same time.

Well, after dealing with the specifics on Hubert´s g4u website, and after many uninitialized variables on NetBSD source, missing drivers, tuning config files etc, I think I have now a working g4u build environment.

To an Ubuntu user perspective I created these steps for the beginner with NetBSD (please experts apologize me).

So, if you got the time to spend on this, this is what I have done so far:

Downloaded a NetBSD-7.0-i386.iso copy (7.1 / 7.1.1 / 7.1.2 will do either but not amd64, I don’t know why, but got i386-netbsdelf could not compile message, even though I could compile a simple HelloWorld.c)

Boot up your machine with CD/DVD/iso on drive

=> Utility Menu => Configure network
=> Install NetBSD to hard disk

Do as you wish until "Select your distribution" message appears:

=> Custom installation => Compiler tools Yes

Wait until "Configure the additional items as needed" message appears:
Tip: If you want to use ftp and rsync after installation, add a user and create passwords for him/her and for root

For rsync:

=> Enable sshd Yes

If virtual machine:

=> Enable raidframe No

When satisfied:

=> Finished configuring
=> Reboot the computer

Log in as your user, I created install

Last login: Thu Apr 5 14:02:19 2018 from
NetBSD 7.1.2 (GENERIC.201803151611Z)

Welcome to NetBSD!

g4u-build-environment$ pwd
g4u-build-environment$ su -
Terminal type is kterm.

The steps below are a little different from Hubert´s because I had trouble with normal user, so did everything as root (don’t need to bother about security anyway, for this test machine is virtual and just me will access it).

g4u-build-environment# mkdir /usr/cvs
g4u-build-environment# cd /usr/cvs

This is the very critical step, do this exactly, or things will not be the way you (we) intended it to be (sounds like Star Wars, I could not help)!

g4u-build-environment# env CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.netbsd.org:/cvsroot co -D 20170418 src

Wait. Wait.. Wait... Wait some more time.... If you got any errors, ARROWUP and ENTER again!

Download http://www.feyrer.de/g4u/g4u-2.6.tgz and put it into your /home/USER_NAME

Tip: You could create/burn it to an iso with http://www.trustfm.net/software/utilities/Folder2Iso.php?page=Download and access it via Removable Devices menu, mount /dev/cd0a /mnt and “cp” it.

Or, you could use ftp, but dont forget to start the service first:

g4u-build-environment# /etc/rc.d/ftpd onestart

Or you could edit /etc/inetd.conf (thanks Hubert)

Let´s continue:

g4u-build-environment# ln -s /usr/cvs/src /usr
g4u-build-environment# cd /usr/src
g4u-build-environment# tar plzvxf /home/install/g4u-2.6.tgz
g4u-build-environment# touch /etc/mk.conf
g4u-build-environment# echo OBJMACHINE=1 >>/etc/mk.conf

Edit some files (or you can apply Hubert´s smime.p7s diff-out.txt text/plain on https://sourceforge.net/p/g4u/mailman/g4u-help/):

g4u-build-environment# cd /usr/cvs/src
g4u-build-environment# diff g4u-build.original g4u-build




< -V HOST_CFLAGS='-O2 -pipe -m64' -V HOST_CXXFLAGS='-O2 -pipe -m64' -V HOST_LDFLAGS='-m64' \

                          -V HOST_CFLAGS='-O2 -pipe -m32' -V HOST_CXXFLAGS='-O2 -pipe -m32' -V HOST_LDFLAGS='-m32' \

g4u-build-environment# cd /usr/cvs/src/sys/dev/acpi
g4u-build-environment# diff pckbc_acpi.c.original pckbc_acpi.c
< struct pckbc_acpi_softc *psc;

  struct pckbc_acpi_softc *psc = NULL;

g4u-build-environment# cd /usr/cvs/src/sys/dev/acpi
g4u-build-environment# diff fujhk_acpi.c.original fujhk_acpi.c
< uint32_t irb;

  uint32_t irb = 0;

g4u-build-environment# cd /usr/cvs/src/sys/dev/ic
g4u-build-environment# diff rtsx.c.original rtsx.c
< uint32_t sdio_cfg;

  uint32_t sdio_cfg = 0;

< uint32_t reg;

  uint32_t reg = 0;

Cross fingers and type:

g4u-build-environment# cd /usr/src
g4u-build-environment# sh g4u-build

It will took ~ 4 and a half hours on a Core2Duo 3GHz

If you´re lucky:

g4u-build-environment# cd /usr/src/distrib/i386/g4u
g4u-build-environment# ls -l g4u*

And you got your most wanted files!

Now, again, to the point of view of a newbie in NetBSD, if you wish to transfer things with rsync, download rsync-3.1.3.tgz to your user home directory and copy bin/rsync to /usr/bin

g4u-build-environment# pwd
g4u-build-environment# su -
g4u-build-environment# cd /home/install
g4u-build-environment# tar plzvxf rsync-3.1.3.tgz
g4u-build-environment# cp -p bin/rsync /usr/bin

It works, but as pointed out by Hubert, use pkg_add instead (lol, I did not know that).

Happy compiling g4u!


P.s.: I hope it is allowed to put links. And sorry, for I did not find a better way to edit this text.