
Please : Superseed

  • radnad

    radnad - 2004-11-30

    Hi doc and others,

    please could you include superseed in the next G3 release ? this is the last and only thing that get's me to use other clients when i need to be the first seed on a torrent...

    that'd make G3 full and complete


    R a d

    • fubaru

      fubaru - 2005-02-24

      I just tryed g3 for the first time, like it, but was also disappointed to see it apparently lacks superseed mode.  Surprising for an otherwise well thought-out client.  I almost suspected SSmode was perhaps implemented blind: auto-detects initial-seeder status and superseeds until it sees a full distributed copy.  Came here for the skinny.

      Hope it's implemented soon.  I tested v.1.01.

    • Lafiel

      Lafiel - 2005-10-27

      I would like to see superseed mode too with the option to make it PERSISTENT.

      By persistent I mean that the superseed mode has the option of remaining in superseed mode no matter how many other seeders exist.  That is because others may go to 100% complete, but actually not be seeding because their Ratio is in reality something like 0.00 to 0.02.  So, while those users may be "seeders", they really aren't uploading and only serve to turn off my superseeding mode.

      I like superseeding because it makes best use of my limited upload bandwidth to seed the most desired Pieces to the most users.

    • Kaz

      Kaz - 2006-01-18

      Indeed, I just switched to using ABC, though I'm generally a loyal G3 user, because I'm seeding some new torrents and want to be able to superseed.

      The most annoying part is that ABC is otherwise so inferior to G3. Initially I tried Shadow's Experimental, which also superseeds, but that was even worse.

      We certainly do need was annoying to find that I'd uploaded half again more than the size of the torrent, yet nobody had a complete file, yet.


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