
fWeb Server / News: Recent posts

Developers needed for fWeb Server

The fWeb Server project needs more developers. A developer should own a VB6 compiler, and be good at VB programming. Please contact franny644 for details.

Posted by Francis Rogers 2002-03-06

fWeb Server 0.11 is out!

Now available is fWeb Server 0.11! The new version includes full HTTP/1.1 support, MIME support, and it also uses WinXP themes now!

Posted by Francis Rogers 2002-03-02

All New fWeb Server!

Thanks for your interest in fWeb Server, a tiny, easy to use web server for Windows. It's still in alpha testing (v0.09), so it's still pretty buggy. You can download it with jus tthe binaries, or binaries with VB6 Source. Help make fWeb Server better: fix bugs and suggest new features!

Posted by Francis Rogers 2002-02-17