
flexwiki-contrib / News: Recent posts

FwDocGen 0.4.1 Released

This point release fixes a problem with the /writeonly switch, wherein it was emitting a somewhat mangled version of the default generator templates.

Posted by Craig Andera 2005-09-15

FlexWikiPad 0.93 Now Available

It's been a while coming, but 0.93 is finally here!

The major new feature in this release is find and replace: search and change text within the current topic, the current namespace, all open topics, or all topics...very handy. Not having this was driving me insane. :)

Also in this release:
- Can now open a wiki by passing a topic, wiki, or namespace path as an argument. This makes it possible to associate FlexWikiPad with .wiki files in the Windows shell.
- Added Help!
- Links to report bugs and request features now appear in the help menu. ... read more

Posted by Craig Andera 2004-08-19

FlexWikiPad 0.92 Now Available

The major feature of this release is the new Jump To Topic functionality, which lets you quickly navigate to a topic by hitting control-J and typing in all or part of the topic name. Up and down arrows let you move through the list of partial completions quickly.

Other minor updates include fixes to the icons (thanks again Jesus Garza) and (I think you'll all appreciate this one) FlexWikiPad now automatically opens the first namespace when opening a wiki.

Posted by Craig Andera 2004-06-13

FwSync hits version 1.0!

The major new feature of this release is merge capability, exposed through the resolve command. Many other minor changes and improvements have been made as well (see the change log), to the point where I finally feel comfortable calling this version 1.0. Yay me!

Posted by Craig Andera 2004-05-31

FwDocGen version 0.4 released

This release enhances the default stylesheet provided with the project. For example, method declarations now include "public", "private", etc. as appropriate. See the change log for a complete list of enhancements.

Note that there was a small blip during the release. I doubt anyone was affected, but make sure you're downloading build 0.4.1824.6067, not 0.4.1824.6017. The only difference is that the later build includes debug symbols - both are identical otherwise.

Posted by Craig Andera 2004-05-24

FwSync Version 0.90 Released

This release flips the UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing switch on the web service proxy, which can nearly triple network performance when using the /defcred switch.

Posted by Craig Andera 2004-05-20

FwSync 0.8 now available

This release fixes a few annoyances with version 0.7. Specifically, it tends to print less information out than 0.7 did. It also adds enhanced support for disconnected scenarios by allowing the init and status commands to run in the absence of a network connection.

Posted by Craig Andera 2004-05-17

FlexWikiPad version 0.9 released

This release mainly adds support for accented characters to FlexWikiPad. Many thanks to Jesus Garza for figuring out all the weirdness around scintilla and ScintillaNET related to being able to extract a UTF8 string from the editing control.

Posted by Craig Andera 2004-05-15

FwDocGen version 0.3 released

FwDocGen allows you to generate class documentation as a set of FlexWiki pages from NDOC xml files. This release (the first public release) contains a fairly serviceable transform that allows for end-user enhancement.

Fwdocgen can be run as part of a build script to automatically upload (possibly using fwsync) your project documentation to a FlexWiki website.

Posted by Craig Andera 2004-05-12

FlexWikiPad version 0.8 available now

This version sports a bunch of fixes for broken installs, is a release build instead of a debug build, and includes the much-requested "remember position and size" feature.

Report bugs on the bugs section of this project page. Thanks!

Posted by Craig Andera 2004-05-04

FwSync binaries now available

The FwSync package is now available for download. This is identical to the version checked in to GotDotNet, but I wanted to post it here in an effort to make it easy to version and post new bits.

Posted by Craig Andera 2004-04-27