
Host FW Template Default substitution ?

  • Armz

    Armz - 2011-06-26


    Using the standard iptables linux template for: Host fw template 1

    I am correct in that if not using a workstation for a stand alone or appliance firewall,
    I do not need to use the Object Type: Firewall, and can substitute;
    Object Type: Firewall - Object Type: Host

    Host object created: /

    Object Type: Firewall
    FW-02 / Policy / rule 1
    echo '*filter'
    echo "-A INPUT -p all  -f   -j In_RULE_1 "
    echo "-A In_RULE_1  -j LOG  -log-level info -log-prefix \"RULE 1 - DENY \""
    echo "-A In_RULE_1  -j DROP "

    Object Type: Host
    FW-02 / Policy / rule 1
    echo '*filter'
    echo "-A INPUT -p all  -d   -f   -j In_RULE_1 "
    echo "-A In_RULE_1  -j LOG  -log-level info -log-prefix \"RULE 1 - DENY \""
    echo "-A In_RULE_1  -j DROP "

    Is there any disadvantage to doing this ?
    I'm considering replacing the objects for a comparison test…

    Also, the 1st rule in the above default template…
    can I substitute the Firewall Object for 'source' with Any ?

    Thank you for your ongoing assistance in these matters.

  • Mike Horn

    Mike Horn - 2011-06-26

    The Firewall object refers to the device on which the policy will be installed.  This can be a host or network firewall.  One side affect of changing the Firewall object with a Host object is for rules that have "Any" in the source or destination.  By default Firewall Builder includes the Firewall object in these rules, so for iptables systems that means INPUT/OUTPUT chain entries are added.

    There could be other behavior changes as well.  Is there a reason you want to replace the Firewall object with the Host object?

    The first rule in the Host fw template 1 is anti-spoofing, so if you replace the source from the Firewall object to "Any" you will block all access to the host.

  • Armz

    Armz - 2011-06-27

    I am having difficulties getting iptables in general to recognize broadcast replies from to, and to on port 137 (netbios-ns).

    I was experimenting and wondered if I 'should' use a firewall object or if the logic of the template is designed for a dedicated firewall on a host as opposed to a workstation. I wasn't using the 'any' scenario and couldn't think of a reason why I couldn't substitute. Probably a last ditch effort to try something out in left field to alleviate my pain from hunting down the blockage of browsing samba shares on the network.

    Thank you for your answers to my questions.

  • Mike Horn

    Mike Horn - 2011-06-27

    I'm guessing your firewall is in this example?  Here's what I think you want to do.

    * Create an Address object with the address field set to
    * Add a rule with Source = Firewall, Destination = Address object from above, Service = netbios-ns, Direction = Outbound

    You can do the same thing for the, but unless the samba share is hosted on the host itself you should not need this since.

  • Armz

    Armz - 2011-06-28

    Thanks for trying to help on this.

    Apparently, traffic 'is' getting out to both and but not recognizing a reply.
    Yes, the workstation with a firewall is and is a samba server as well.
    There is a printer that shows when the 'findsmb' command is issued.

    I have the following modules loaded for iptables;
    nf_conntrack_netbios_ns nf_conntrack_ipv4  nf_defrag_ipv4  nf_conntrack_ipv4  nf_conntrack  nf_conntrack_netbios_ns nf_conntrack_ipv4  xt_state

    If I got what you said correct… this is a compiled rule;
    echo '*filter'
    echo "-A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp  -d   -dport 137  -m state -state NEW  -j Out_RULE_5 "
    echo "-A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp  -d   -dport 137  -m state -state NEW  -j Out_RULE_5 "
    echo "-A Out_RULE_5  -j LOG  -log-level info -log-prefix \"RULE 5 - ACCEPT \""
    echo "-A Out_RULE_5  -j ACCEPT

    Here is an output from $ conntrack -E  after a 'findsmb' command is issued;
         udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=43731 dport=137  src= dst= sport=137 dport=43731
         udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=137 dport=43731  src= dst= sport=43731 dport=137
         udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=45071 dport=137  src= dst= sport=137 dport=45071
      udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=45071 dport=137 src= dst= sport=137 dport=45071
         udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=42793 dport=137  src= dst= sport=137 dport=42793
         udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=137 dport=42793  src= dst= sport=42793 dport=137
         tcp      6 120 SYN_SENT src= dst= sport=51986 dport=445  src= dst= sport=445 dport=51986
    tcp      6 src= dst= sport=51986 dport=445  src= dst= sport=445 dport=51986
         tcp      6 120 SYN_SENT src= dst= sport=52768 dport=139  src= dst= sport=139 dport=52768
    tcp      6 src= dst= sport=52768 dport=139  src= dst= sport=139 dport=52768
         udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=137 dport=137  src= dst= sport=137 dport=137
    udp      17 src= dst= sport=43731 dport=137  src= dst= sport=137 dport=43731
    udp      17 src= dst= sport=42793 dport=137  src= dst= sport=137 dport=42793

    Bad news…
    No effect. (pulling my hair out)

  • Mike Horn

    Mike Horn - 2011-06-28

    Sorry, I thought you were trying to block this traffic.  If you want to allow broadcast traffic for samba in and out of the host, then set the direction to Both.

  • Armz

    Armz - 2011-06-28

    No worries,
    A Bonkers I will be…

    With your correction;

    echo '*filter'
    echo "-A INPUT -p udp -m udp  -s   -d   -dport 137  -m state -state NEW  -j ACCEPT "
    echo "-A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp  -d   -dport 137  -m state -state NEW  -j ACCEPT "
    echo "-A INPUT -p udp -m udp  -s   -d   -dport 137  -m state -state NEW  -j ACCEPT "
    echo "-A OUTPUT -p udp -m udp  -d   -dport 137  -m state -state NEW  -j ACCEPT "

    Samba existing rule directly below;

    echo "-A INPUT -i eth0  -p tcp -m tcp  -m multiport  -s   -dports 445,139  -m state -state NEW  -j ACCEPT "
    echo "-A INPUT -i eth0  -p udp -m udp  -m multiport  -s   -dports 138,137  -m state -state NEW  -j ACCEPT "
    echo "-A OUTPUT -o eth0  -p tcp -m tcp  -m multiport  -s   -d   -dports 445,139  -m state -state NEW  -j ACCEPT "
    echo "-A OUTPUT -o eth0  -p udp -m udp  -m multiport  -s   -d   -dports 138,137  -m state -state NEW  -j ACCEPT "

    *Scan From client to samba host (firewall builder)

    nmap -sS -sU
    22/tcp   open   ssh
    139/tcp  open netbios-ssn
    445/tcp  open microsoft-ds
    9100/tcp open jetdirect
    137/udp  open netbios-ns

    *Network Browse discovery using $ findsmb

    From Host: $ findsmb = successfully display samba network shares and printer (
    From Client: $ findsmb = fail on network shares, success on printer.

    Client firewall is  ufw and is off (sudo ufw disable) to make sure it's not interfering with the ability to (findsmb).

    Result from $ conntrack -E during a $ findsmb from the client

    udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=42215 dport=137  src= dst= sport=137 dport=42215
    udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=137 dport=42215  src= dst= sport=42215 dport=137
    udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=137 dport=42215  src= dst= sport=42215 dport=137
    udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=56804 dport=137  src= dst= sport=137 dport=56804
    udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=56804 dport=137 src= dst= sport=137 dport=56804
    tcp      6 120 SYN_SENT src= dst= sport=56215 dport=445  src= dst= sport=445 dport=56215
    tcp      6 60 SYN_RECV src= dst= sport=56215 dport=445 src= dst= sport=445 dport=56215
    tcp      6 432000 ESTABLISHED src= dst= sport=56215 dport=445 src= dst= sport=445 dport=56215
    tcp      6 120 FIN_WAIT src= dst= sport=56215 dport=445 src= dst= sport=445 dport=56215
    tcp      6 30 LAST_ACK src= dst= sport=56215 dport=445 src= dst= sport=445 dport=56215
    tcp      6 120 TIME_WAIT src= dst= sport=56215 dport=445 src= dst= sport=445 dport=56215
    udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=60746 dport=137  src= dst= sport=137 dport=60746
    udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=60746 dport=137 src= dst= sport=137 dport=60746
    udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=38192 dport=137  src= dst= sport=137 dport=38192
    udp      17 30 src= dst= sport=137 dport=38192  src= dst= sport=38192 dport=137
    tcp      6 120 SYN_SENT src= dst= sport=37748 dport=445  src= dst= sport=445 dport=37748
    tcp      6 src= dst= sport=37748 dport=445  src= dst= sport=445 dport=37748
    tcp      6 120 SYN_SENT src= dst= sport=51550 dport=139  src= dst= sport=139 dport=51550
    tcp      6 src= dst= sport=51550 dport=139  src= dst= sport=139 dport=51550
    udp      17 src= dst= sport=42215 dport=137  src= dst= sport=137 dport=42215
    udp      17 src= dst= sport=38192 dport=137  src= dst= sport=137 dport=38192

    I'm ready to follow the Yellow Brick Road.

    Shouldn't I have a NEW,RELATED associated with these port 137 queries ?

    Thanks again.

  • Mike Horn

    Mike Horn - 2011-06-28

    Instead of looking at the conntrack log it would be better to turn logging on for your rules and look at the output of /var/log/messages.  It will be easier to see what rule in iptables is matching the traffic that is being dropped.

    Also, as a basic test you could allow all services from to  This would make sure the client is able to browse the share without any firewalling of that traffic.  The best way to troubleshoot these kinds of issues is to try and look at one piece at a time.  Are other protocols working between these machines?

  • Armz

    Armz - 2011-06-29

    Thanks Mikehorn…


    /var/log/iptables.log (custom rsyslogd) is showing the same thing conntrack is. I can see it with $ tail -f /var/log/iptables.log

    Other protocols… yes but they couldn't interfere because I've already turned off the firewall on the client side with a successful Samba LAN browse so there won't be interference… there is synergy, apt-cacher-ng, ntp, ssh.

    Unfortunately I have to abandon this project and leave the client machine with connecting via smb:// until I sort this out.

    I appreciate your time on this, I can imagine how hard it is to troubleshoot with so many variables that could be in the way.

    Best regards,

  • Armz

    Armz - 2011-06-30

    Problem: Samba broadcast blocked
    For those transitioning to Firewall Builder from iptables rules and/or ufw firewall and are having difficulties 'Browsing" the samba shares on the LAN, here is one solution.

    Systems used:
    Debian Linux, testing amd 64 - Server, Samba, Firewall Builder firewall
    Debian Linux, testing amd 64 - Client, UFW Firewall

    Firewall Builder Rules (Server)

    Rule |Source |Dest  |Service           |Iface    |Drctn |Action  |Time |Opts  |Comment
    0    |Samba  |Samba |Any               |eth0     |In    |Deny    |Any  |log   |
    1    |Any    |Samba |ip_fragments      |Any      |In    |Deny    |Any  |log   |
    2    |Any    |Any   |Any               |loopback |Both  |Accept  |Any  |Stlss |
    3    |Any    |Samba |Useful_ICMP       |eth0     |Both  |Accept  |Any  |      |        
                        |ping_request                                             |
    4    |LAN    |Samba |ssh               |eth0     |Both  |Accept  |Any  |      |Open SSH Server
    5    |LAN    |Samba |                  |eth0     |Both  |Accept  |Any  |      |Samba Server
                        |Netbios-dgm                                       |      |138 udp
                        |Netbios-ns                                        |      |137 udp
                        |Netbios-ssn                                       |      |139 tcp
                        |SMB                                               |      |445 tcp
    6    |Samba  |LAN   |Netbios-ns-reply  |eth0     |Out   |Accept  |Any  |      |Samba Broadcast
                        |Netbios-dgm-reply                                        |Replies 137, 138
    7    |Any    |Samba |Any               |Any      |Both  |Deny    |Any  |log   |

    Samba   =
    LAN   =
    Netbios-ns-reply  = source 137
    Netbios-dgm-reply = source 138
    Client Machine    =

    1. You will want to have module nf_conntrack_netbios_ns module loaded
    2. If you are using UFW firewall from the client, it will block broadcasts by default.
       You will need to make some adjustments in the default UFW;
    a. /etc/ufw/before.rules
       -A ufw-not-local -p udp -dport 137 -m addrtype -dst-type broadcast -j ACCEPT
       -A ufw-not-local -p udp -sport 137 -m addrtype -dst-type broadcast -j ACCEPT
       # This was the Original Default Rule moved to below
       -A ufw-not-local -m addrtype -dst-type BROADCAST -j RETURN
    b. /etc/default/ufw
       # extra connection tracking modules to load
       # added: nf_conntrack_netbios_ns
       IPT_MODULES="nf_conntrack_ftp nf_nat_ftp nf_conntrack_irc nf_nat_irc nf_conntrack_netbios_ns"
    3. Restart the UFW firewall;
       $ sudo ufw enable
       $ sudo ufw reload
    4. Make sure module nf_conntrack_netbios_nw is loaded, if not then restart the machine
       $ lsmod | grep nf_conntrack_netbios_ns
    5. Make sure Samba Server is started, then check visibility from the client machine;
       $ findsmb
    6. My results;

    user1@samba:~$ findsmb
    Success! (Finally).

  • Armz

    Armz - 2011-06-30

    I sure wish there was an 'edit' function on this board. I see my table is messy and not aligned.

    Also, the Firewall builder example above was created from the default Web Server template.

    Thanks for the guidance Mikehorn!



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