
Passive Furbies

Passive Furbies

Passive Furbies spawn naturally in the world, and they love redstone. You can tame them with a redstone block:

A tamed Furby

Redstone dust will put them into love mode, allowing them to make little Furblings :)

You can dye Passive Furbies a number of different colours, using the standard Minecraft dye items, and you can feed them pretty much any food item but they can be picky and will sometimes throw up!

They are messy in other ways too and will often drop Furby Poo:

If you're not too squeamish you can craft 9 poos into a Digested Redstone Block and these can be used along with the WitherFurby Skulls that SkeletonFurbies occasionally drop to summon the deadly WitherFurby >:)

Although Furbies spawn naturally, you can also craft a Furby spawn egg using a Furby CPU, redstone and wool:

Furby CPUs are dropped by all types of Furby, or you can craft one using Silicon, gold ingots and redstone:

Silicon is made by crafting redstone dust and sand together to make Redstone + Sand Mix:

..and then smelting it:

When tamed, Furbies are excellent at following Instructions - see the Furby Instructions page for more details on this.