
Fura 1.5.6 Released

Fura is a self-contained grid middleware that allows the grid enablement and distribution of applications on heterogeneous computational resources. Fura features a web-based GUI, wizard-guided installation and configuration, and Web Services compliance.

The 1.5.6 version has been released. The following improvements have been implemented:

  • Fixed a portal error when trying to start a task that its already running. (FB12050)

  • Fixed an issue when using read-only files with the agent. (FB11789)

  • When the agent (re)starts it cleans up their directories, even if they contain read-only files. (FB12096)

  • Fixed a portal error when trying to delete a task without having permissions to do it. (FB12088)

  • Fixed a portal error when trying to reset a task. (FB12019)

Fura is a self-contained grid middleware that allows the grid enablement and distribution of applications on heterogeneous computational resources. Fura features a web-based GUI, wizard-guided installation and configuration, and Web Services compliance.

Posted by GSsystems 2009-03-25

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