
Add GMailDrive(-ish) support?

  • James

    James - 2006-02-22

    I just realized how frickin' awesome it would be to sync to your GMail account (which allows messages up to 10MB, and gives over 2 gig of storage), since it's accessible from pretty much anywhere.  You could tell FS to monitor a local directory for changes, and update your GMail files accordingly.  You could sync any number of remote systems this way without your own FTP server.  Is this feasible?  I think if I installed GMailDrive I could hack it together (e.g. sync C:\foo to Z:\foo) but it would be great if support were native.

    • Jan Kopcsek

      Jan Kopcsek - 2006-02-28

      does gmail has WebDAV access? for example, if you are able to mount your directory like a network drive with an address like "http://gmail.whatever/..." then this should be webdav.

      in case there is access using webdav... hehe ;)
      guess the new file system access library i introduced to provide better ssh support will help us there pretty much (say: it already has webdav support).

    • Nicky

      Nicky - 2006-03-01

      Is there a possibility to test the WebDAV?

      What do I have to do for?


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