
FSME on windows xp

  • Moriah

    Moriah - 2005-01-27

    I am not really a windows user, but I have a client who needs FSME on a windows xp box.  What do I need to do to build FSME and its friends for XP?

    I have already installed perl, python, and qt on the windows box.  It also has visual studio 6.0 on it.  I just do not know how to do the build in a windows environment.  I have FSME et al working fine on a Linux box, but I need to get it working on an XP box.  Anybody done this already?

    I am working on a suite of tools to automatically generate test sequences for finite state machines.  Although my client has proprietary stuff, the sequence generation tools should be GPL-able, and I plan to release them, possibly as an add-on to FSME.  The tools will generate protocol conformance test suites for a protocol modelled as an FSM in FSME.

    • Alexander Darovsky

      I'm afraid, you should have at least MSVC.NET to compile FSME. There's heavy STL usage in FSME, so it couldn't be compiled with old tools.

      Although, there were problems with MSVC 200*, because it seems they reintroduced incorrect error with QPointArray...

      If you wanna try to build it on Windows, use the same technique as you do in UNIX:

      unpack FSME,

      cd into it (the best is to do it from MSVC special console, which is located in it's menu. Otherwise, nmake will not work)

      run qmake

      run nmake

      and pray :(

      PS. fsmc should compile cleanly

    • Hector 48

      Hector 48 - 2006-06-05

      I just tried to install FSME on my XP box, so I installed first QT version 4.1.4 and minGW with gcc 3.4.2.
      I added path for gcc in the PATH variable in Windows and then I moved to FSME directory.
      There I ran qmake to build the makefile -> ok
      and finally I ran make all which does not work because it cannot find a header file named qcanvas.h

      Is this file supposed to be in the QT installation or FSME? because I cna't find it anywhere...

      • Mark Flacy

        Mark Flacy - 2006-06-07

        qcanvas.h is part of Qt 3.3.4; I don't know if they removed the class in Qt 4.x.

        • Alexander Darovsky

          QCanvas is present, but is located in Compat part of the library, and, according to numerous opinions, works poorly.

          I'm waiting for the replace of QCanvas in Qt4.

          When it is released, I will port FSME to Qt4.


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