
Installation errors, as well as others

  • Matt2k10

    Matt2k10 - 2009-08-14

    A few issues:

    - The installer assumes fs_home is set to "...\AppData\Local\Tremulous". I'm using the MG Client 1.011, which sets fs_home to "...\AppData\Roaming\Tremulous". An issue that is easily fixed by moving the necessary files manually, however...
    - The only cfg related to the stats menu that I have found is statsmenu.cfg, the rest are missing (alienstats.cfg, humanstats.cfg, numberbinds.cfg, etc). default10.cfg seems to be missing as well.
    - php.exe gives these errors:
    - When I look at any page on the web interface (using both firefox and IE), I get lots of errors:

    I'm on 32-bit Vista.

    • David Price

      David Price - 2009-08-14

      Thanks for this, FSIT is designed to be used for the tremulous native client, it hasn't been tested with any others. I will consider the option of alternative clients, but as you can imagine, unless they standardize then there's no ending of where the options may lead.

      If you want to help with the development feel free to do so. I am not familiar with that client so other errors may pop. The fix for all your errors lies in two areas, The install will need another option for your client type (TJW, MG, ??). This will need to alter a couple of files.

      The only file that gets made by the install is the defauilt10.cfg, the rest are dynamically generated by the parser. The errors you see in the webui are generated because you have no data in the tables, they should go once you have played a game or two.

      I'll work on it

      • David Price

        David Price - 2009-08-14

        This should be fixed now, try it out

        • Matt2k10

          Matt2k10 - 2009-08-14

          Thanks, the installation now has the correct paths (actually, the paths are different in Vista, but Vista redirects programs there automatically). However, the php.exe errors still remain, which I'm assuming is the source of the missing cfg problems, as well. What really confuses me is that it says it can't find autogen.cfg, even though I know the paths are all correct. I tried it once with tjw's client and I get the same error, so I know it lies with php.exe alone.

    • Matt2k10

      Matt2k10 - 2009-08-15

      Oh, and because of the php.exe errors, there is absolutely no stat recording.

    • David Price

      David Price - 2009-08-15

      can you pastebin your <appdata>/fsit/parse/fsit_setup.php please, and your tremstart.bat file. I suspect that the file paths are different in that the paths in those files are "Application Data" not "Appdata"

    • Matt2k10

      Matt2k10 - 2009-08-15


      But now I see what you mean by the paths being Application Data and not AppData. I changed the paths and now everything works! Thanks a lot!

      Only thing is that the webui has some lingering errors in places, though I'm assuming that is once again because there is not data in those areas.

    • David Price

      David Price - 2009-08-15

      An upgrade is available from to If you installed from let me know please, There's a few files that you may need to delete (well, you can pretty much delete them all except for your config files.

      • Matt2k10

        Matt2k10 - 2009-08-16

        I installed without removing the files, so what are the files that need to be deleted?

    • David Price

      David Price - 2009-08-16

      An upgrade is available from to If you installed from let me know please, There's a few files that you may need to delete (well, you can pretty much delete them all except for your config files.

    • David Price

      David Price - 2009-08-16

      An upgrade is available from to If you installed from let me know please, There's a few files that you may need to delete (well, you can pretty much delete them all except for your config files.

    • Matt2k10

      Matt2k10 - 2009-08-29

      Remember when I said that the path to .../AppData/Roaming is different in Vista, but that Vista redirects it? Unfortunately, it seems that the installer doesn't exactly get it...I never had this problem because I would set the paths to autogen.cfg and autoexec.cfg manually, since I was afraid of things messing up, even though they shouldn't. Turns out, when I DON'T do this, the installer will tell me "You don't have permission to write to C:/msys/home/fsit" (which is odd...why is it complaining about that?)

      The correct path in Vista is C:/Users/<user>/AppData/Roaming, NOT C:/Documents and Settings/Users/<user>/AppData/Roaming
      Likewise, this is the same for .../AppData/Local and .../AppData/LocalLow

      This seems to only be an issue with the installer, FSIT itself gets redirected perfectly fine.

      • Daniel maloney

        Daniel maloney - 2009-08-29

        Amazing, I just discovered this exact same error only moments ago. I'll create a bug report for it now though. Thanks

        • Daniel maloney

          Daniel maloney - 2009-08-30

          That issue should be fixed in SVN now. Thanks for reporting it.


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