
fryTunes / News: Recent posts

Object::Meta::Plugin 0.02 Nears Completion

The Object::Meta::Plugin module, a compound classless object system for Perl, in Perl, is nearing it's next release. Version 0.02 has been is slightly redone, has many corrections, incorperates a documentation audit, and includes a brand new tutorial.

The overall process was very mellow, and careuflly done. Patches and corrections have been sent to other projects. A talk has been written for YAPC:🇮🇱:2004, having to do with the features of Perl that made OMP possible.... read more

Posted by Yuval Kogman 2004-01-24

Object::Meta::Plugin 0.02 rc1 is out

The first development release candidate of Object::Meta::Plugin 0.02 is out. Object::Meta::Plugin is a sort of classless object system. It allows funny inheritance from various plugin objects, into a host object. fryTunes will be based on it, for modularity's sake.

This version includes a new way for a plugin to get it's internals- normally. No more $self->self() business, unless you want to use it. This is achieved via some tie wizardry.... read more

Posted by Yuval Kogman 2003-12-03

Object::Meta::Plugin released

Wow, that was fast. Object::Meta::Plugin is functional, and seems complete. Please standby as the CPAN smoke tests come in...

The module is thoroughly documented, and thoroughly tested. There has been an emphasis on clarity and completeness. You can probably learn from example, if my dyslexia is too much to deal with.

Otherwise, I'm on the mailing lists, and my email is somewhere inside the release, I hope.

Posted by Yuval Kogman 2003-11-29

Object::Meta::Plugin is working

Although alpha quality, and not nearly complete (context offsetting is not yet implemented, for example) or well tested, it can be used to create meta objects, constructed by plugins.

See the fryTunes home at to get a more specific idea of what you can do with it. To get your hands dirty use CVS.

Posted by Yuval Kogman 2003-11-25

commits to htdocs are moved to site automatically

Using syncmail and procmail on my home computer the account will have cvs update run on every commit to htdocs, so that the site is up to date. Additionally, update will be run from the crontab nightly, in case something broke midway.

Posted by Yuval Kogman 2003-11-24

Actual work has started

Various administration tasks have been completed, in order to aid other developers who may be interested. Tasks have been created, to clarify the direction things are going in. CVS modules for Object::Meta::Plugin and the website were created and half heartedly populated.

Posted by Yuval Kogman 2003-11-24