
Adding Class and Registrations

  • Greg

    Greg - 2005-01-16

    After I login as administrator using the example admin id, I don't see how to added classes to the schedule, register students, add evaluations, check attendance. I see the pages in the pages/data folder but do not see where to access the pages on the site. Thanks, Greg

    • VikMan

      VikMan - 2009-06-12

      Hello Shaffin:

      Maybe you complete the Administration component. If you have been constructed please publish it.

      Best regards,


    • Shaffin Bhanji

      Shaffin Bhanji - 2005-01-16

      Hello Greg,

      I am working on the Administration component that should be available shotly (very soon). In the meantime, you will have to use phpMyAdmin or some other MySQL administrator to add the records to the DB. The DB structure is very straight forward. If you have any further questions about FreeSMS or the DB structure, let me know.


  • Bogdan Cristea

    Bogdan Cristea - 2010-09-28


    I have extended freeSMS in order to be able to add classes, students and check
    attendance. Shaffin, if you agree I am willing to become a developer for this
    project and upload the changes I have made.



  • Shaffin Bhanji

    Shaffin Bhanji - 2010-09-30

    Sure I can add you as a developer. Please let me know when you have uploaded
    the project.

    Thank you for your contributions.


  • Bogdan Cristea

    Bogdan Cristea - 2010-10-01

    I'll try to upload those changes this week-end. However, if I am not
    registered as a developer, I don't think that I'll be able to check out into
    freeSMS repository.



  • Bogdan Cristea

    Bogdan Cristea - 2010-10-01

    to check in I mean, sorry

  • Shaffin Bhanji

    Shaffin Bhanji - 2010-10-01

    You have already been setup as a developer so you should have no problems.


  • oikirv

    oikirv - 2011-02-24

    Has there been any progress in allowing the students the ability to register
    for classes that have been scheduled?

  • Shaffin Bhanji

    Shaffin Bhanji - 2011-02-24

    That is what the software does since its release.

  • oikirv

    oikirv - 2011-02-24

    I am currently logged in as a student and I do not see a registration option.

    I see tabs along the sode for courses, edit profile, help, and logout.

    When I click on courses all that is visibile is the courses that I add the
    student to as an admin.

  • Bogdan Cristea

    Bogdan Cristea - 2011-02-25

    Actually, the registration option is not yet available for students, only the
    admin will be able to register students for the available curses. Please fill
    a feature request for this option.

  • Shaffin Bhanji

    Shaffin Bhanji - 2011-02-25

    What I meant was that the admin has to add the scheduled classes to the system
    into the database. When the class is available students can register
    themselves into a class online - but again a scheduled class has to be
    available to do so. Students have the ability to add, drop out of class using
    a browser.

    Hope this clarifies the feature a bit.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-02-25


    I have downloaded freesms and installed on webserver, but when i try to login
    i recieve the following error SELECT command denied to user
    'univl2_jamune'@'' for table 'crc_profiles' or when i want
    to register a new user the following error comes up Could not register user
    profile information.

    i created a php file te retrive profile data from the profile table and it
    works fine and shows me all the data but the password is encrypted.

    What is the admin password?

    What shall i do to make it work? Thank you

  • Shaffin Bhanji

    Shaffin Bhanji - 2011-02-25


    The FeeSMS system has a crc_constants.mod.php file that carries all the
    constants in it. Pay close attention to the section...


    define('MYSQL_SERVER', 'localhost');

    define('MYSQL_PORT', '3306');

    define('MYSQL_DB', 'crcdb');

    define('MYSQL_USER', 'freesms_user');

    define('MYSQL_PASS', 'freesms');


    You need to define the MYSQL_USER and MYSQL_PASSWORD that will be used to make
    all database call to MySQL. The user you define here should have appropriate
    permissions to make calls such as SELECT. I am assuming that the error is
    being thrown by the database due to database permission.


  • Bogdan Cristea

    Bogdan Cristea - 2011-02-25

    Hi Altin Mahilaj

    Below is the message displayed after database setup through web interface. It
    should clarify everything.

    • The default FreeSMS username is "admin" with password "admin".
      Please change the default values once logged in from "Edit Profile" menu.

    • Make sure that the FreeSMS Database name, username and password you entered
      match those found in "/classes/crc_constants.mod.php".

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-03-22


    when i log in as student there are no curses to register, and this is what it

    " You currently have not registered for any courses. In order to register,
    please visit the link and add the course(s) that you would like to register

    i have created courses on the admin area but they are not available to

    how can i get the link to be disponible to students?

    Thank you


  • Bogdan Cristea

    Bogdan Cristea - 2011-03-22


    Currently, if the students are registered, only the admin will be able to
    register students by editing the course. There is already a feature request
    for this, I'll have a look this week-end.



  • ermal nazaj

    ermal nazaj - 2011-03-25


    I am currently logged in as a student and I do not see a registration option.
    i have created courses on admin but they are not availiable for students to
    register too.

    if you can make this option availiable would be great.

    thank you


  • Bogdan Cristea

    Bogdan Cristea - 2011-04-03

    Altin and Ermal

    I have commited to trunk the changes needed to add Enrollment option when
    logged in as student. Please use the version from trunk if you need this

    Currently this feature is usable but not complete: the student can enroll to
    available courses, but cannot revert this operation. This feature will be
    added ASAP.

    For any another issues you might encounter please open another thread on this




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