
Bigger variety of shapes with less shapes

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I followed proposal by Anatolica and reduced node shapes to fork, bubble, oval, rectangle, wide_hexagon, narrow_hexagon. They have got additional configuration options and can be adjusted by mindful users.

    So for your test maps you probably need to configure shapes again because shapes small_bubble, oval, hexagon, hexagon2, small_wide_hexagon are no more needed.

    Version 1.5.1_07


  • Dimitry Polivaev

    By the way, is term "uniform"actually a good choice for shapes with equal heights and widths?

  • Carlos

    Carlos - 2015-11-27

    Great, Dimitry! I like that latest solution very much. I'm testing it right now.
    I have no problem with the term "uniform". Another possible term could be "regular" as in "regular polygon" :


    Last edit: Carlos 2015-11-27
  • Dimitry Polivaev

    1.5.1_07 had a serios bug. Use 1.5.1_08.

  • Milavon

    Milavon - 2015-11-28

    Thanks Dimitry, You have solved the issue of the attribute tooltip borders. Very Nice.

    Additional Suggestion: if you can add an option to the styles:

    to set the nodes (based on that style) to be created as HTML (Rich Text) nodes, NOT as a Plain Text Node.

    I mean this option can make this automatically in Freeplane (All Nodes With a Specific Style To Be Created Directly As Html Node without need to convert them manually or to edit their core text in dialog)



    Last edit: Milavon 2015-11-28
  • anatolica

    anatolica - 2015-11-28

    Dimitry, thanks a lot for the new margin options!

    It provides even more shape variations than I could ever think of. I am still playing with the options and they are cool! (I <3 rectangles/squares:)) It is also great that now we can change the Root node colour. I hope the community likes this as much as I do.

    I think 'Uniform' is an appropriate label; there are also 'Equal sides' or Equilateral' that comes to mind. But I am not a native speaker; so it would be nice if a native English speaker could comment on this.

    I have made a small list of the bugs I have found pertaining to the latest iterations; would you prefer them in separate bug reports or as posted into the forum?

    Thanks again for all your efforts,


  • Dimitry Polivaev

    Freeplane handles node type automatically: nodes with internal formatting are saved as HTML and the rest as PLAIN. There is no way to save a node as HTML if it is not needed by its content. But all Freeplane editors are HTML editors, and each plain text node is transformed to HTML before editing internally.

    • anatolica

      anatolica - 2015-11-28

      On a side note: is there any way for the user to make the plain text and the plain text editor the default? With all the Markdown goodies around, this seems tempting.

  • Dimitry Polivaev

    I usually prefer having separate bug reports in order not to bother other guys.

    • anatolica

      anatolica - 2015-11-28

      Oki, done. Cheers.