
FreeNAS / News: Recent posts

New mailing-list for SVN commit notification

There is a new mailing-list:

All 'commit' to the code will be sent to this mailing-list.

This will permit to review the modification, and check for bug or comment the changes.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2007-07-03

Welcome to a new developer: Daniel S. Haischt

Daniel worked on porting FreeNAS as a pfSense package. Then he know allready very well the code.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2007-01-11

FreeNAS 0.68 out

FreeNAS 0.68 is available.
Major news features: new experimental geom raid 5 module, unison and lot's of bugs fixed.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-11-19

AMD donates a dual Opteron server to FreeNAS !

Thanks to AMD for donates a dual Opteron processor server to the FreeNAS project! Now I can began working on a special branch of FreeNAS optimized for AMD64.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-11-02

New developer on the project!

Hi all,
Welcome to Volker Theile that is a new member of the FreeNAS developer team !
Volker had allready fixed somes of bug and added an embedded text file editor to FreeNAS (very usefull for advanced users).

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-09-19

FreeNAS is a winner of the VMware Ultimate Virtual Appliance

VMware selected FreeNAS as virtual appliances that demonstrated excellence in categorie "Consumer".
And the second price winner is "the Trellis NAS Bridge Appliance" that is based on FreeNAS.

More information here:

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-08-15

HOWTO - Translations

Hi all!

Lot's of user wants to contribute by proposing translation.

Here is the HOWTO:

All Webgui language file or documentation translations must be send to the FreeNAS documentation mailing list:

This permit to archive your contribution under your name.

Before working on a translation:
1. check on this list if another contributer propose to works on the same file/language as you.
2. send an email to this list announcing your translation and language
This will prevent that you work on the same translation than another contributer.... read more

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-07-18

FreeNAS 0.67 out

Hi all,
FreeNAS 0.67 is available for download.
New major feature: geom mirror (software RAID 1).
And lot's of minors improvements and bug fixes.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-07-02

China FreeNAS web site

There is a new China FreeNASweb site here:

Thanks to yangtze and solomon for creating this site.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-06-24

VMware Ultimate Virtual Appliance Challenge

FreeNAS is a member of the "VMware Ultimate Virtual Appliance Challenge", you can try and comment FreeNAS here:

For more information about this challenge, it's here:

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-06-11

FreeNAS 0.66 out

FreeNAS 0.66 is a bug fix release.
Minors news features and lot's of bug fixed.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-04-18

FreeNAS 0.65 out

Hi all,
FreeNAS 0.65 is available with news features:
- MS Windows Domain authentication
- Aple File Protocol (AFP)
- Announce service with Zeroconf (howl)
- iSCSI initator (NOT TESTED)

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-04-05

FreeNAS joins the OpenUsability Project

FreeNAS joined the OpenUsability project that will permit to get advice from usability experts.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-03-31

FreeNAS 0.64 available

Hi all,
Here is a "bugs fixes" oriented release.

Warning for creating a software RAID 5 volume (there is a bug somewhere):
- Create and format your RAID5 volume
- Put a small file on this volume
- Reboot the PC
- Check that the volume is correctly mounted and working.
If not: re-format the volume,reboot and re-check.

Here are the MD5 checksum:
MD5 (FreeNAS-0.64.tgz) = f607489b1239394e2ffb559d929caea5
MD5 (FreeNAS-0.64.iso) = 0398b0d1d84aaac8cad5982de2424b64
MD5 (FreeNAS-generic-pc-0.64.img) = 050df771a061c347023dce7ffbe3534a... read more

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-03-07

FreeNAS 0.63 available

Minors features: Add a SSH daemon (for SCP only), scheluded RSYNC between two or more FreeNAS box and fix lot's of bug.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-03-05

FreeNAS 0.6 available

The release 0.6 is out with local user authentication and an Rsync daemon.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-02-15

Special mirror for the release 0.522

There is a problem with the release 0.522 on the sourceforge mirrors.
During this problem, you can download FreeNAS 0.522 here:

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-01-24

Maintenance update: Release 0.522

Fix two bugs:
- The ataidle tools is not used when the ATA parameter are to default (this tools can create some problems)
- Fix the size of USB drive.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-01-23

FreeNAS 0.52 out

Here is the release 0.52.

This release add two minors features:
- Possibility to use the disk where FreeNAS install for sharing data;
- Enabling the upgrade from Web GUI (but you can test for the next release only);

This release prepare the support of platform that don't have video and keyboard:
- The serial port is enable on booting.
- You can connect with a serial cable (null modem) for following the boot process.
- Serial port settings are: 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.... read more

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-01-23

New Setup and User Guide

There is a new "Setup and User Guide" in PDF format with screens shots and lot's informations.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-01-08

FreeNAS 0.51 out

Here is the 0.51 with SMP support and lot's of bug fix.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-01-07

Development mailing list open

There is a new mailing list for developers:

There is a new sources archives too that simplified the process of modifying and creating a new ISO file.


Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2006-01-02

FreeNAS 0.5 out

Here is the release 0.5 with Software RAID support.

There is still a problem with sotfware RAID 1 when the PC reboot (the RAID volume doesn't go up): You must shutdown and power on the PC for resolve this problem.

Changelog for the 0.5 release:

New features:
- Software RAID with gvinum...need to be more tested (have a little problem with RAID 1 and reboot)
- S.M.A.R.T support (only logging actualy) with smartmontools (feature n°1368868)
- ext2 filesystem support...need to be more tested (feature n°1385882)
- Playing few notes after startup and reboot (feature n°1373316)
- Removing the small boot menu (feature n°1377592)... read more

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2005-12-30

FreeNAS Alpha 0.41 out

Release objective: Fix the maximum of bugs and more simple web interface

Warning: Old configuration file can have problem with this release

News features:
- shutdown option (feature n° 1368300)
- Ability to change share names visible to the network (feature n°1368436)

Bugs fix:
- syslog (bug n° 1367954)
- DNS lookup (bug n° 1367955)
- mounting NTFS partition in read-only mode (bug n°1368302)
- Interface error: static route (bug n° 1368444)
- Interface error: Diagnostics: Logs/Settings (bug n° 1369896)
- Interface error: WAN interface (bug n° 1372034)
- NFS works but with limited permission (bug n°1372054)

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2005-12-03

Bugs tracker section open

I open the bugs tracker section for helping me to reference all the actual existing bug and resolve them before continuing to add functionnality.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2005-11-28