
FreeNAS / News: Recent posts

Release Alpha 0.4 out

Here is the Release 0.4.

Main purpose: Correcting the problem by mounting share.

- Adding status for "disk" and "mount point"
- Correctig diag/og/settings error message
- More stable disk initialization
- More Samba options
- More information in status/disk

- DNS lookup and SYSLOG doesn't work
- Windows share display the wrong size disk

- Can't use the disk where FreeNAS is installed for sharing data

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2005-11-25

Release Alpha 0.3 out

Here is the release 0.3

There are only minors changes:
- "install to hard drive" now works, and some new option for configuring
About the big ISO file size: it's because there is two filesystem file, one for CDROM and the other for CF/HD.

Changes logs:
- Install now works on Hard drive, should work on CF and USB Key but no tested.
- Now you must add disk before mount it (it's for the futures functionnaliy of disks status)
- Mount bug corrected (Call to undefined function: disk_unmout() in /etc/inc/ on line 55 )
- More FTP configuration options... read more

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2005-11-16

Release Alpha 0.2 out

Here is the release 0.2 of FreeNAS.

Change log:
- Update kernel to FreeBSD 6 Stable
- Add simple disk paritionning/formating
- More options for mounting device
- More informations in status/disk
- networks shares in read/write mode

Know bugs:
- Hard disk install doesn't work
- Hotname lookup error
- Partitions display errors (Status/disk)

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2005-11-09

Homepage in french and english

The FreeNAS homepage is available in English and French now.
You can found the english page here:
And the french here:

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2005-11-07

Alpha version available!

The first alpha version of FreeNAS is available as an ISO file. CIFS and FTP shares tested. NFS not tested.

Posted by Olivier Cochard-Labbe 2005-11-05