
#495 iTunes

fff fffff

one of the greatest features in freenas is the feature to connect freenas over zerconf to iTunes,
but I can't set any password in the WEBGUI ???

could you Fix this bug please.

I Have tested it in a VM and on different pcs, but it doesnt works


  • Volker

    Volker - 2009-01-21

    Could you please explain more detailed what you mean with 'password in WebGUI'?

  • Volker

    Volker - 2009-01-21

    I saw you opened the BR for 0.7 (early alpha version), does this problem also occur on 0.69?

  • fff fffff

    fff fffff - 2009-01-27

    well I think the problem is the fireflymediaserver WebGUI, an yes the bug is already existing in the 0.7x as I know. I've tested It there a few weeks ago.

    1. I enabled the service for iTunes
    2. I clicked on the webGui button
    3. I was setting up the playlist
    4. I would set up a password for some playlists
    5. Error: Error settingGeneral:Password (or such)

    I tryed to fix this bug, by witing the passord directly in the config file
    But that didn't work

  • Volker

    Volker - 2009-01-27

    Yes, this is a firefly bug. I'm not able to fix that because i do not know the code and where to start searching, also there are more FreeNAS related issues that have more priority. If someone provides a fix i will add it.

    But you can set the password via rc.conf variable. Go to 'System|Advanced|rc.conf' and add a new variable called 'mtdaapd_password' and set the password you want to use as 'Value'.

    Please note that i can not tell you that this works for 0.7, but for 0.69.


  • fff fffff

    fff fffff - 2009-01-28

    Thank you very much
    this Tipp helps me a lot.
    But I could give you a patch, because firefly is opensource.
    How can I send you the patch
    My secondary Mail Adress is

  • Volker

    Volker - 2009-01-29

    Send it to: votdev at


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