
#293 SMB Users and acces rights


What I did
- new installation of latest version to Disk
- installed one Disk and mountpoint
- added one group
- added two users
- enabled SMB file sharing
- changed to Local User authentication
- added two shares

obviously submitted and restarted the system

Now when trying to connect from a PC I can browse the shares when this has been enabled. When trying to write something into the share I am not allowed to do so. - Access right are missing...

On a window box I am not able to log in.
On a linux box I am asked for the Password several times.

I assume that the code for generating the users and passwords for the Samba part have a bug that prevents the system to work correctly. ... or I am doing something wrong ...

FTP will work for login but again not for writing.


  • Michael

    Michael - 2007-12-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Doing an installation witht the newes Build found I could get some elements working. I could get one user working, but second user equal setting would not connect. Username is build using CCNNNNN C=Caracter N=Figure 0-9 password characters only.

    Interesting was as well to see what happes when loading an older config file into the system. The system will read and configure, but shares are not there. Etc. If required I could make a list what should not been taken in or have an option to not restore after an upgrade/reinstallation.

  • Dan Merschi

    Dan Merschi - 2007-12-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Sorry but CIFS work's as expected for me(0.686).


  • Michael

    Michael - 2007-12-30

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    Originator: YES

    Some more testing and new findings. Using all type of Characters in the Password is OK and works fine. But one needs to logout of windows and in againe to get that working after changing the password. - perhaps a hint in the documentation would help to prevent questions in future.

    Accessrigths are an issue. The Groups one generates are nice to see, but as far as I see these do not control anything as I understand it right now after all those experiments id did I could change this situation by using the chmod /chgrp on the OS level, but I guess that is not the best way to to it.

  • Michael

    Michael - 2007-12-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Some more testing and new findings. Using all type of Characters in the Password is OK and works fine. But one needs to logout of windows and in againe to get that working after changing the password. - perhaps a hint in the documentation would help to prevent questions in future.

    Accessrigths are an issue. The Groups one generates are nice to see, but as far as I see these do not control anything as I understand it right now after all those experiments id did I could change this situation by using the chmod /chgrp on the OS level, but I guess that is not the best way to to it.

  • lck72

    lck72 - 2008-07-26

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I have a similar issue.

    I am running FreeNAS 0.7.3514.

    Everytime I make a change to the CIFS/SMB settings & click the "Apply Changes" button, the "/var/etc/private/smbpasswd" file is emptied.

    I have to manually run the commands to add the users & enable them again.

    After doing this several times, I created a couple of the file and now everytime the /var/etc/private/smbpasswd file is emptied (blanked out) I just copy the good file overtop of the empty file.

    I wish this wouldn't happen.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-08-25

    here is a side note in case you did this.

    When you create the mount point, use that mount point for the CIFS share. If you try and use another folder below the mount point for the CIFS share, freenas will give you access errors. As far as I have seen the error is only a write and/or modify error and not read.


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